Odd cycling habits/rituals?

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When we're riding as a family group we sometimes quack at each other to locate where we are, or as an 'on your right' shorthand. So one will query with a quack, another respond with one, like a poor mans Marco Polo. I may have done similar when two of us were on the last Fridays ride...
Whilst on tour we also developed something similar only with bell rings (trying to talk with each other was often difficult, and bell rings just went further...)

1 bell - slow down
2 bells - speed up
3 bells - stop
4 bells - sadly now forgotten
5 bells - sadly now forgotten
6 bells - sadly now forgotten
7 bells - emergency
8 bells - said emergency as been and gone... (usually because it took so long to ring the bell that many times... :laugh: )


She's the cats pajamas
County Durham
Vroom vroom noises...


Legendary Member
Slightly off topic maybe, does anyone know the significance of this being a featured thread, and how it got to be one?


Middle Earth
Does anyone have any cycling rituals or habits whilst out riding?

I quietly apologise to dead animals on behalf of whoever/whatever caused them to shuffle off their mortal coil as I cycle along - I realise that makes me sound like a bit of a mumbling crazy :wacko:, but there you go.
I often apologise to swans and their offspring for disturbing them (probably in the hope they don't chase me!).
I don't praise Priscilla (MTB) but I call her a b*tch or cow if she acts up :biggrin:


Eh up
I occasionally shout out my speed or cadence for no apparent reason, :wacko: (only if cycling alone) and I can't stop looking at the cassette to see what gear I am in.
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