overseeding your lawn

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Grass is a long day plant so only mow low when its growing at its strongest ie June. Leave it as long as you you dare spring and autumn.

I have never used a scarifier on my lawn. Only as a paid job for others.

Mrs Slick will love that as that's her philosophy. I have always liked it like a putting green but that's obviously why I need the scarifier.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
If it's worth seeding it's worth overseeding.

As they don't say. But should.


Mrs Slick will love that as that's her philosophy. I have always liked it like a putting green but that's obviously why I need the scarifier.

I decided it was better to change my mind set than waste so much time on grass.

It will always come back.
was working on the stone wall & slope, so figured I might as well add seed & some lawn soil sprinkled over, to cover the seed
overseeding wide v2.jpg

overseeding new.jpg
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been about 3 weeks & there's good progress
overseeding with patio corner 5-7-24.jpg

& they say we can't grow grass in the back area, ha!
overseeding 5-7-24.jpg

backyard 5-7-24.jpg

forgot if I shared this 2009 photo. this is how we had nice grass back there, before they replaced the patios, & wrecked the drainage
back yard 2009.jpg


Heavy Metal Fan
I've overseeded my lawn before. I never took good care of it, just mowed as short as I could whenever I had time. Leaving things in the garden like buckets and old plasterboard) killed a lot of it off. I just through some seed down, trampled it in, watered it and it's always grown back fine
I've overseeded my lawn before. I never took good care of it, just mowed as short as I could whenever I had time. Leaving things in the garden like buckets and old plasterboard) killed a lot of it off. I just through some seed down, trampled it in, watered it and it's always grown back fine

I've got a side path that gets a lot of traffic but I'm not going to add lawn soil over the seed. I might do some watering tho, just until it pops
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