Peter Sagan

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I think what he did was wrong and stupid.

I admit to being young and stupid myself once so I'll forgive him as long as he attends an accelerated growing-up programme and stops doing that kind of thing!

About 25 years ago I was walking through the centre of Hebden Bridge with my girlfriend on a busy summer day. She had a sudden moment of madness and pulled down my shorts without warning; I wasn't wearing anything under them. The filthy looks she got from me and the startled onlookers made her realise how stupid she had been. I'm quite sure that she would have been extremely upset if I'd done the same thing to her, but there you go.

People make mistakes. As long as they aren't the kind of mistakes made by the evil Philpott with his kids, then forgive them and move on.

Don't be quite so forgiving if they make similar mistakes again though!
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Shall I make this very clear for you, since you appear to think you've discovered some amazing contradiction:

1. That statement was about his cycling;
2. I do not approve of or condone in any way, oppressive behaviour towards women, whether it be 'in fun' or intended as aggressive.
3. Sagan has apologised. If the apology is (or has been) accepted by the woman concerned, then that's it - it is up to her to make a decision on what to do, and not ours to second guess. I would support her in whatever decision she makes, as a matter of principle.
Your position has been noted, for future reference ^_^


Über Member
Hindsight ? Some of the regulars maybe along (but im not holding out much hope !) to inform you of my opinion of Sagan.
Oh and your post is comment enough ta.

Really pleased for you that he has played into your hands with his podium antics.

Yes he acted like total tw4t, no he shouldn't have done it and whether he got the girls number is irrelevant.

Hopefully I have made myself clear on his behaviour.

So what exactly is it that you don't like about him as a very very talented rider?


Really pleased for you that he has played into your hands with his podium antics.

Yes he acted like total tw4t, no he shouldn't have done it and whether he got the girls number is irrelevant.

Hopefully I have made myself clear on his behaviour.

So what exactly is it that you don't like about him as a very very talented rider?
I would think that is fairly evident wouldn't you ?


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
The 'Benny Hill' act has been going on for some time, you either havn t noticed or disregarded it.

If a young woman invites you to sign her breasts, that's a slightly different matter. It may be in questionable taste but it's not sexual harassment. The bum pinch was unsolicited. That's the difference.

Edit: I've just checked and in fact it seems she may not have asked him to sign her breasts, in which case it's a pretty outrageous thing to do. He needs some serious battering with the clue stick.


Über Member
Not a case of hadn't noticed or disregarding his behaviour, just a case of not being there to know exactly what he has or hasn't done.

I don't take what the media says for granted as truth. I used an example earlier in this thread in which cycling news were claiming Sagan had said it was his destiny to win Flanders when it wasn't true from their own previous article.

This thread started out as a discussion on his riding talent.

Sadly like a lot of other sports, being a star and having access to large amounts of cash at a young age can result in a lot of stupidity.


Rural Quebec
Having "trophy" women awarding the winners at any event is seriously outdated and even sexist, there should be no place for it in a sport that is trying to improve its public image. I know this may not be popular but what if it was this anachronism that Sagan was parodying in his theatrical gesture?


If anyone thinks this is funny - remember, IT IS NOT.

I'm not sure my outrage valve can take much more of this ... off for a lie down.
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