Rangers Liquidation

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South Tyneside
Well, that £1 million per year certainly keeps the share price up.

Sly Ashley currently maybe gets a better deal than you. His money comes at a price.


North Shields
So I read this earlier, and I was broadly agreeing with Greig's points about how to run a football club.

Then he said this, which instantly pished me off, and is great example of why it's so easy to stereotype the club (not just Rangers by the way, but all 'big' clubs),

"Everyone, not only Rangers fans, should be happy with that. Scottish football needs a healthy Rangers, a strong, robust Rangers championing our game at home and abroad."

What would actually benefit the game in Scotland (and most other countries) would be a fairer distribution of revenues to create more a more competitive league, rather than a minority hoovering up all the cash, spunking it on big names who rarely deliver and poaching the talent from other sides only to ruin them.


What would actually benefit the game in Scotland (and most other countries) would be a fairer distribution of revenues to create more a more competitive league, rather than a minority hoovering up all the cash, spunking it on big names who rarely deliver and poaching the talent from other sides only to ruin them.

I agree , a two horse race is not very exciting , the trouble is there is not much money in the Scottish game to distribute .


North Shields
Two horse race better than a one horse canter.
Bring back the early '80's

It's not really though, not for me at least. If you support a wee team you know a cup run is your best hope of silverware, and for some clubs top flight survival is the priority. It also reinforces the idea that there are only two sides worth playing for in Scotland, which is just bollocks.

That said, we've produced more decent players in recent years than folk seem to realise. It's a shame that the SFA is a f*cking shambles really.

The duopoly of old firm league victories does nothing positive for the game. I was quietly rooting for Hearts when they nearly won the league a few seasons back, then that Lithuanian guy shanked them.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Thing is, they really do need each other. When they're both in their pomp they scoop up all the best players from other teams then stick them in the reserves to rot. They can then rely upon each other to hammer the upstart clubs on the pitch - it takes something really special to beat both Rangers and Celtic consistently in a season. Usually if Aberdeen manage it against one of them, the other one will beat them. Then, with the 11-1 voting system they can ensure the lion's share of any sponsorship or tv money goes to them. Add in tv only covering their away matches to ensure their gates aren't affected (and who cares about screwing the diddy clubs, right?) and charging the diddy clubs a fee to sell their tickets for them, they make sure they greedily hoover up every penny they can.

They keep saying Scottish football needs them. Notice they only say that when they're on their arses. As soon as they've recovered it's "Europa Leagues", "Atlantic Leagues" and moving to English football. fark them. If they won't die, let them fark off and play somewhere else. Scottish football will be the better for it and I'm sure Manchester police will welcome more dog food.


North Shields
I reckon it's only a matter of time before you get a two tier European League.

Say it was two leagues of 16 teams each playing home and away, with the elite Champions League guys at the top and the Europa sides below.

Four promotion places available in each, with the four promoted to Europa level coming from playoffs involving national champions.

Logistics would be a bit of a bastard but I don't think that's a completely ridiculous idea.


Cracking appointment. :okay: Stuart returned to his beloved Bantams and with 15000 fans right behind him, took us to 10th in the basement division. The following season he assembled an expensive squad, with the divisions biggest budget and promised us back-to-back promotions, he took us to 10th in the basement division. The season after saw us improve to 14th...............then he went totally crackers.....
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