Richard Branson "almost dies"..

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Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
The fact that the rider has a few bob and the bike was a former team Katusha machine has certainly changed how some of his fellow cyclists feel about what amounts to quite an old man having an unfortunate and hefty crash. There's a definite tang of jealousy coming through on this thread from a few contributors. Most Bourgeoisie.


Remember Remember some date in November Member
I won't ridicule him for being wealthy. I will however ridicule him for being yet another celeb who states that "a Helmet saved his life" when he has no justification for stating it and all the evidence is to the contrary.

There would be little consequence if most of us stated such one way or the other. There is however a responsibility on those who's words are immediate news not to promote ideas that may in fact harm others*.

*help/harm is for other threads.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Indeed, but my whole point here was that his material wealth is immaterial in this instance, so "few bob" stands in perfectly well for I don't know how many millions. It's exactly what I'm driving at.
You're too modest!

A few bob, to me, is suggestive of the local builder who got a couple of properties turned around just at the time that the market was booming. The carpet salesman who managed to contract 80% of the new offices in that new building by the roundabout one month, and so got a nice bit of commision in that pay packet, thanks very much. That fellow who orders rice for everyone rather than sharing a pilau between two (we'll never eat it all, but who cares!)

To use such a phrase to describe a man worth an estimated $5.2 billion (according to Forbes) is top quality understatement. Whilst I acknowledge your commendable modesty in refusing to admit that, know that I hold this particular piece of understatement in the very highest regard, and can only apologise for the evident embarrassment I have caused you in expressing my admiration for it.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
The reason it is OK to ridicule here is not his wealth, it is the seizing of any opportunity for self-publicity. That and drinking Becks.
That would be fine...if only it were actually the case
Wealthy man known for self-publicity gains lots of self-publicity after over-stating the effects a bicycle crash. What's not to like?

The rich are different to us.

As is often said, they have more money.

They also crash their bicycles in different circumstances.

In this case on a private island with two flunkies within running distance, and a further team of people to recover the bicycle.

All that must lesson the pain a bit.

[QUOTE 4436251, member: 43827"]He has a man who crashes for him, but it was his day off.[/QUOTE]

I didn't click the link in post, so ended up reading the report on the guardian site ...

That is not "nearly died" in any language. That is the billionaire's equivalent to "I went home and changed out of cycling kit, then the wife drove me to A&E". Frightening I'm sure, but not nearly dying.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
What is not the case, the self publicity bit of the drinking lowest common denominator indifferent beer bit?
The bit where you feel that these are the "only" reasons that he is being ridiculed.

I have clearly set out what I dislike about some attitudes to this topic .

I cannot mitigate for yours or others lack of comprehension. Id suggest you go back and read what I've actually posted rather than leap to the wrong conclusion.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
You're too modest!

There's really no need for sarcasm. If it makes you feel better, I fully recognise that Branson is a billionaire. My whole point is that this point is neither here nor there.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Indeed, in the context of hitting the tarmac, hitting the tarmac is a great leveller and no respector of wealth. In the context of people giving a toss and/or column inches though.....
Absolutely. We should give more or less of a toss because of his wealth.

But why do we feel that his wealth is justification...alone mock a man who has most peoples standards a pretty nasty off.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
You are still missing it. I wrote about good reasons to mock. You are obsessing about bad reasons.
No Adrian, you are missing it.

I don't dispute the "good" reasons to mock (your words)

You are missing my entire point.

I am not obsessing, I am responding to your constant replies and lack of comprehension of my point.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
We don't. We feel that any serial self publicist is fair game. You wait till that Ryan Air bloke crashes his car.
I agree, they are.

Given that, go back and read my very first post in this thread. Do I dispute this?

Now perhaps take some time to look at what I am actually concerned about. Others don't seem to be struggling with the point as much as you are.
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