RideLondon Freecycle

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Über Member
Why oh why did TFL pick this weekend to do maintenance on loads of tube lines and the London Overground?

Coupled with the bus disruption for RL (bus service managed appallingly - got on two successive buses that changed their routes having passed the RL area) it made using public transport a total disaster.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of RL, but couldn't TFL manage it better?

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Just went to show that
Why oh why did TFL pick this weekend to do maintenance on loads of tube lines and the London Overground?

Coupled with the bus disruption for RL (bus service managed appallingly - got on two successive buses that changed their routes having passed the RL area) it made using public transport a total disaster.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of RL, but couldn't TFL manage it better?
... Because this is England ....,


It's a bit more complicated than that...
I'd second the comments about the occasional nobbers. We tried using the freecycle route to get towards Excel for RideLondon registration. Apart from the fact it wasn't a very sensible idea because a tandem isn't very manoeuvrable, and because @rvw was carrying all our gubbins on her back, there were a few teenagers (or possibly slightly older) on jump bikes who used the event as an opportunity to show off their wheelies.


Slimboy Fat
The Fen Edge
On the open roads of the London to Cambridge ride, all of the worst examples of road use that I saw, were by cyclists.

A few car drivers were a bit frustrated, but generally showed patience, whereas I nearly got clipped a couple of times by kamikaze down-hillers cutting back in to avoid on-coming cars. If these cyclists drive their cars like they ride their bikes, it's no wonder motorists get a bad rap...

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