Speed limit petition

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We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to make cycling more popular, with 20mph speeds, cycle training for all, & cycle networks.
Grammatical error - hence ambiguous. Do they mean, they want it mandatory for all cyclists to go at 20mph? ;):eek: The cagers will probably pick up on this. Pity that these petitions are slung out without more care being given to the wording. :biggrin:


New Member
Trouble is, as soon as you publicise these things they get spammed by the usual bigots.

As in Mr 'I've got a better idea. Build more cycle lanes and force cyclist to use them.' (or Mrs possibly, hard to tell with a name like that.)


Über Member
This petition seems to be asking for 20mph limits for cycling. I won't sign it. I guess it's just badly worded.


Master of all he surveys
Why would I wish to limit myself to 20mph. I can ride as fast as I like as I always know when it is safe to do so!! (Safe speed impression) ;)

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
Cycle training for all? (I don't think the petitioner means that.......or did he?). The next thing the government will want to do is to introduce a cycling test before being allowed on the road. Still, I'm sure it will be a bargain at only £50 per test.


The petition is too vague. Speed limit of 20mph (that'd be good on say, Birchfield Road wouldn't it?) on what types of road? What types of road justify higher or lower limits? How's it going to be enforced?

The City Centre is a 20mph zone now and the whole thing is a joke - its universally ignored unless traffic volumes are such that it brings the speed down. West Mids Police won't bother to enforce it either.

If it actually gets to the point of having enough signatures to generate a reply (which I doubt) it'll say: £140m for Cycle England, and that most towns have cycle networks (admittedly of the off-road variety).


Über Member
A much more carefully worded petition for a default urban 20mph limit...

http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/20limit/ ;)


A good starting point would be to enforce the limits that we've got now. Until they are enforced and adhered to, trying to lower them is a waste of time. There's a 20mph zone in Birmingham City Centre and its completely ignored.

What about 40mph limits in urban areas?


Oh look! You've got a signature from Mr I. G. Abetterideabuildmorecyclelanes


Über Member
That would be terrible.....surely this isn't the acf'ers trying to convert the timetriallists to audaxing?!?!?!?

The aim would be to get as close as possible to 30 minutes for a 10miler, with anybody under being disqualified for breaking the law!! :smile:
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