Sunday, 11th April - The PaulB Recovery Ride, Hebden Bridge / Whalley / Ribble Valley

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
As many of you will know, PaulB suffered enormous trauma to his head back at the end of January. Fortunately, he is now recovering and is back on his bike but not yet able to do the kind of rides that he used to do. I thought that it would be nice to meet up with him and keep him company while he gets a few miles in.

I had in mind a route in the Hebden Bridge area but Paul sent me a PM today informing me that he is under strict orders not to over-exert himself for fear of aggravating the brain injury he received in his accident. That makes any ride in the Hebden Bridge area pretty unwise. The only flattish roads round here are the busy valley A-roads.

So, what I'm proposing is that we meet Paul in Whalley and ride out to Bolton-by-Bowland on the relatively flat roads of that part of the Ribble valley. We would then turn round and ride back to Whalley where we could have a cafe stop at Whalley Abbey. That's a relatively gentle 25 miles which would be a good ride for Paul at his current level of fitness.

I will be riding out from Hebden Bridge and riding back afterwards so if anybody wants to meet up with me here they can. That would be about an extra 45 miles, making it 70 in total. If the weather is good, I will ride out over the hills, but I will be coming back the direct route on the A671/A646 from Padiham.

The ride will take place on Sunday 11th April, at 09:40 from Market Place car park Hebden Bridge. (Time chosen to fit in with first trains into Hebden Bridge.)


It's a long stay car park and is only about 30p/hour. I'd suggest paying until 17:00 just to be on the safe side (wardens patrol here and issue £60 fines!)

That gives 40 minutes for anybody coming in by train if track repairs mean they have to get off at Halifax and ride over.

Obviously if we know you are coming and you are delayed, we will wait for you.

We can meet Paul and anybody else who prefers a short ride at Spring Wood picnic centre car park near Whalley at about 12:00 - 12:15. (NB There is a vehicle height restriction of 2.13 m)


Über Member
Sounds good. At the moment both dates are empty in my diary! I would probably ride out and meet you in Hebden and then ride home later from Whalley. I was only hearing yesterday about the cafe there that I didn't know about!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'd like to come, subject to getting transport over...


Either day is ok for me - which ever suits Helen, if she can give me a lift.

And which ever suits her in terms of distance...

If I need to train over, then I'll have to go from HB anyway!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Saturday is much better for trains but let's see how many people are interested before making a decision.

I wondered how long it would be before the York contingent were tempted over to 'the hilly side'!

I promise that I'll eventually make it over to York for one of the rides out there but it will have to wait until I can afford £20+ for fares and cafe stops. Again - it might be hard to make it over on a Sunday.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
aJohnson said:
I'll try to get there. Decision is whether to go Hebden or straight to Whalley.
Why not accompany trio to HB for the scenic run out to Whalley with me, and then take the shortcut home from Whalley?

Any preference for the day - Sat/Sun/Either?

'Either' is best because it gives me more flexibility in deciding the day. It'd be a bit of a problem if half choose Saturday and half choose Sunday.


Senior Member
Bury, Manchester
ColinJ said:
Why not accompany trio to HB for the scenic run out to Whalley with me, and then take the shortcut home from Whalley?

Any preference for the day - Sat/Sun/Either?

'Either' is best because it gives me more flexibility in deciding the day. It'd be a bit of a problem if half choose Saturday and half choose Sunday.

May take the trip up to Hedben then :laugh:

Either day works for me.


I'd like to join you but I can only do Sunday!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Alun said:
I'd like to join you but I can only do Sunday!
I've made an executive decision - the ride will take place on Sunday 11th April!

Meet 09:30 in Hebden Bridge for a 09:40 start. That fits in with first trains to Hebden Bridge (or to Halifax and ride to HB if track repairs are taking place).

Meet Paul and anybody else starting from Whalley at 12:00-12:15.

See my first post for details of meeting places.


Legendary Member
If I'm able to I'd like to ride over to Whalley but just come straight back so I'll wait and see what develops.


Legendary Member
Do you know what? I'm going to come myself!

Looking forward to this enormously. Hope I don't forget how to ride a bike!!!
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