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Über Member
Actually, you just need to remember to join my ride from the live tab:tongue:
You know me Bill not one to be contrary but the damn thing fired up in video. I have fixed it though cos that's how I roll


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
@BILL S - can you add my time of 45mins 50 secs please to the velodrome ride? Cheers.

Very hard on your own with no one to draft. Tried Paul T but his ghost must have been drafting real riders when you guys did it on Thursday and I just couldn't keep with him for the first 80 laps. Finishing that ride is probably the most sick I've felt after a session - seeing stars and feeling very vomity xx(!


Über Member
Well that didn't go according to plan, I intended to be sensible and keep my heart to 160 or below throughout. Stayed with @CXRAndy for a bit and kept thinking I would let him go after X laps. Could stay with you Andy but every time I tried to go past I just couldn't keep you behind to give you a tow so I spent about 80% of this staring at your butt.

At the end you went for it (I thought and in planning to slot in behind you I ended up going past, sorry.

I mayh have to call for help from the house to carry me in.

Kudos Bill I did try to tag in behind a few times but you appear to have been on a moped.

Anyone point me in the direction of the Madeleine thingy please? Can't find it..

Ta much

Get lost! There was a great American football running back named Jim Brown. He would hobble to the line of scrimmage like he was on his last legs to lull the defence into complacency. Then take off like a bullet. I strongly suspect you are that Jim Brown!! Nice finish.

Ryan lawman

Über Member
Kempten Germany
Good going @BILL S . I've been in bit of a downer since my holidays but that ride has picked me back up a bit . The first 20 laps went well then my heat rate was up at 175 it's never been so high before , might of been better with a 53/39 instead of my 50/34 .might enter my last mtb race of the season after all ..

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Get lost! There was a great American football running back named Jim Brown. He would hobble to the line of scrimmage like he was on his last legs to lull the defence into complacency. Then take off like a bullet. I strongly suspect you are that Jim Brown!! Nice finish.

I seriously doubt I would have finished had it not been for your company.

You're a star.


Good ride soarer, I was on an experiment ride, but did enjoy the company. It certainly removes the monotony of going round and round^_^. I changed my weight down to a featherweight 80kg, to see if it would make a significant difference. It didnt!
The extra speed I think came from the extra 10watts effort I put in.

My in law has been given a new Bkool pro in exchange for his faulty one, just need to convince him to let me borrow it:tongue:


Good going @BILL S . I've been in bit of a downer since my holidays but that ride has picked me back up a bit . The first 20 laps went well then my heat rate was up at 175 it's never been so high before , might of been better with a 53/39 instead of my 50/34 .might enter my last mtb race of the season after all ..
It was good to see you there Ryan. I thought we could do a pretty fast time if we could have kept the pace up the same as the earlier laps but it was not to be. LB looked in and I think he was worried that we might beat his time. About half way through I realised I'd be lucky to beat Thursdays time so I just enjoyed the rest of the race rather than over exerting too much.
I keep threatening to enter another mountainbike race but never get round to it. Maybe next year...


Legendary Member
Sorry I missed the re-run*. I was making use of what's probably the last of the summery weather and barbecuing myself a nice steak :becool:

*not actually sorry, the first time hurt!!
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