What do real men do on a Sunday?

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I've been gardening and am now cooking supper and putting the washing out. What do real men do? Have they won the club "Hilly Hundred" by a record margin and are now engaged in a marathon sex session with three women?
i'm eating coco pops after a day at work!


Senior Member
I'm with you - Patrick. Finished mowing the lawn and washing both cars. Haven't seen the bike in a while - as to marathon sex with 3 women, can't disclose :biggrin:


eating quiche of course:biggrin:

Just been out for the first ride in nearly 6 months. It was a bit windy and I only had 45 psi in the tyres but it was heaven. Why on earth I didn't make the effort months ago.

just got another 5 stone to go :biggrin: rice cake anyone ??


Lunch with the in-laws, listening to scandalous family stories and now watching 'The Great Escape'. Traditional sunday, really.


New Member
Today I cycled to Wythenshawe Poundstretcher to buy my mum a brand new mobile phone for £6.99. Then I thought about cutting the lawn and decided it could wait another week and then I changed the oil on my car, pumped up its tyres and refilled the screenwash. After that I went on a 20 miler to Knutsford and back bringing my day's mileage to 32. This evening I'm going to do a crossword or two and drink some wine.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Wrote up the weekly report this morning and then went out and did a 67Km ride and linked in a steep hill just to see how it would go. Bikes are also now clean and already in bed where I shall be going very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cycling Naturalist
Keith Oates said:
Wrote up the weekly report this morning and then went out and did a 67Km ride and linked in a steep hill just to see how it would go. Bikes are also now clean and already in bed where I shall be going very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With three women? Or, is it just two while the other roasts a whole water buffalo sirloin for you, which you'll wash down with half a dozen bottle of Chateau Petrus? :biggrin:

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
How did you know that's what I had for dinner tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Got up late, had a lazy brunch with the papers at a local cafe, then cleaned the house completely, did loads of washing, did the ironing whilst watching the TdF, made a mighty fine soup and am now reworking a bid for European research funding.


Well, ive just sorted my fave meal (i have my fave meal pretty much every night :biggrin::angry:) and now on this and in biti'll eat it (the meal)...as for the 3 delectables: in my dreams :wacko:


Legendary Member
Just finished a large pile of ironing.Which included the wifeys WORK shirts.Plus two lots of school uniform.Don't ask.


I still high as hell from the endophins too so anyone can call me for anything and I simply will not be bothered :biggrin: :angry: :wacko: :thumbsup:
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