Which boards do you read on here?

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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Just wondering. For me, it's the Cafe, and General Cycling regularly; and occasionally Touring, Audaxes (only for the 100km monthly challenge), and CC rides/meets. Very occasionally Technical know-how, and Beginners.

It's amazing the stuff of interest that crops up in hidden corners of this site which I suspect don't get read by many, but are deserving of greater coverage. I only recently started to use the "new threads" facility which helps to uncover threads I would probably never see, but it is such a busy site that these "new threads" soon disappear into the abyss.


Eh up
I am probably missing out on a lot of posts.as I only use the New Posts link at the top of the page, its a hard habit to break.


Café mainly, and sometimes classifieds.

Once a week or so I'll have a look in the technical and beginners.


watched threads is a good way to keep track of threads that hold special interest to you.
new posts obviously
PM to individual members - currently trying to contact @mark st1 as he has gone missing ????


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I check every new thread except for those in 'dead/mangled cyclists' or 'could argue in an empty room', which I find depressing, and I don't need help in that regard!

Once I have checked a thread, I only open it again if I found it worthwhile first time round, or if somebody tagged me in it.

I use 'New Posts' to keep on top of things. If I had been away for a few days then I might mark all posts as read in order to make a fresh start. Interesting threads usually keep going for quite a long time, so they would normally resurface on 'New Posts' soon enough.
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It's a bit more complicated than that...
"New posts", which has got the obvious traps removed - "Cyclist down" because it's depressing and pointless, "Commuting" because it's too argumentative with too little substance, the sales forums because I'm not buying or selling, "Beginners" because I'm impatient, "Helmets" because everything's been said (although of late the quality of debate has improved a lot) and "Cafe" because it's either too twee or too casually sexist. I do (obviously) look into those places if I've got some time.

The only place I try and keep on top of is "Current Affairs and Debates" because the depth and breadth of knowledge displayed is astonishing, and because despite one or two obvious trolls (who are dealt with mostly effectively) the quality of debate is profound.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Haud oan a wee minute here, @ColinJ (just testing :smile:); I can only find a new threads facility, not new posts. It shows the latest 10 new threads to be posted, which then get bumped down the list as newer threads appear. Or am I missing something? I am browsing using kindle fire btw, so quite possible that bits are missing.
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'New posts' for me too, if a title catches my eye I'll have a butchers, simple as that.

I can only find a new threads facility, not new posts.
CC window.png

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
New posts. Beginners. Cafe. New threads. Nowhere else is worth the hassle, and I have those places blocked.
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