Witnessed a motorbike crash today while on my bike.

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Legendary Member
While riding around the Ribble Valley this morning, I heard a yell and a horrible scraping as a motorbike hit a Land-Rover pulling out of his farm. As I rounded the corner, I saw the bike and rider slide into and onto a verge and hit the bushes at the side of the road. As I rode up, the farmer had jumped out and was standing there like one of Lewis's gawping down at his handiwork. The guy on the bike was comparatively alright although it was obvious his right leg was broken at the shin. His head remained in the bushes and I didn't get to see his face the whole time I was there.

Fortunately he was conscious, not bleeding (only some patchy, dark venous blood anyway) and his neck was fine so we had him stay where he was and lifted the bike off his left leg which was fine. He took his helmet off inside the bushes and his left hand was fine but he complained of a lot of pain in his right hand. It turned out he'd hit the Land-Rover with his right leg hence the damage to his right side. I thought he was being quite nice to the farmer who'd begun to regain his composure once he realised the guy wasn't too badly hurt. It became obvious the farmer hadn't seen the guy on the bright red motorbike when he'd pulled out from his farm and had given the bike no room to get round him.

In an effort to keep him talking and keep his mind off things, the injured guy told me he only had another 2 miles to go to get home(!) and said he was 52 and this was his first ever motorbike accident. He was very concerned about his bike but it looked structurally sound to me apart from the outer shell which was cracked and broken in many places.

One thing that got me though was the time it took the ambulance to arrive. We were just outside Bolton by Bowland and the ambulance took at least 18 minutes to get there from Clitheroe. Once they'd got there, the police came screaming round like the flamin' cavalry demanding to know who'd seen what and generally getting on everyone's nerves. Another bike rider had stopped to see what was going on so me and him gave them our addresses, wished the injured guy well and went off to Wigglesworth together.


Legendary Member
I wonder how fast the biker was going? I rode motorbikes for 12 years and never had an accident but came close a few times, always due to excess speed and always out on country rides.

Don't they say that 90% of accidents happen within a couple of miles of home or something?


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Rigid Raider said:
I wonder how fast the biker was going? I rode motorbikes for 12 years and never had an accident but came close a few times, always due to excess speed and always out on country rides.

Don't they say that 90% of accidents happen within a couple of miles of home or something?

I think thats a little harsh to first question the speed. In my motorcycling days whilst I never had an accident my 2 hariest moments were both with vehicles crossing the road without looking properly.


Legendary Member
That'll be what the Police will question;they are sick of motorcyclists and I'm sure they'd be happy to collect a scalp. The local coppers probably drink with the farmer too.


Legendary Member
Rigid Raider said:
I wonder how fast the biker was going? I rode motorbikes for 12 years and never had an accident but came close a few times, always due to excess speed and always out on country rides.

Don't they say that 90% of accidents happen within a couple of miles of home or something?

He couln't have been going that fast as it was just along from that (you'll know it) right-hand turn up to Wigglesworth (where he was headed) from Bolton-by-Bowland (where he'd come through- I know as he passed me on the bridge) and so must have slowed to get round the bend. The crash was about 300 yards along there. From what I saw, I don't think the 2 mile proximity was a factor and the farmer hadn't been paying attention (it is a very quiet road for cars that - that's why I use it) and pulled out without looking. That's opinion by the way as I didn't see the collision, I only heard it and saw the aftermath. The farmer didn't say a word about the accident but the guy with his head in the bushes was explaining to me what happened.


Well-Known Member
Rigid Raider said:
Don't they say that 90% of accidents happen within a couple of miles of home or something?

Very likely when you consider that most car journeys are less than 5 miles.

The main problem is that people only see what they are looking for. They look for a car when pulling out so usually don't notice the motorcyclist/cyclist :smile:


Legendary Member
D4VOW said:
The main problem is that people only see what they are looking for. They look for a car when pulling out so usually don't notice the motorcyclist/cyclist :smile:

As mentioned above, that road is very, very quiet so it's also possible that experience had taught the farmer that it is rare for anything to be coming along when he's pulling out. The whole 20 minutes or so I was stood there, I bet not more that 2 vehicles went past at all.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
When I go and visit my Mum in Derbyshire there's always bikes everywhere and often driven at lunatic speed. I've seen a couple of accidents, one time we were first there when a biker had hit a car because he was on the wrong side of the road going around a corner. This was before mobile phones were so popular so we had to get to the nearest phone and get an amulance. The biker was laid in the road and twitching - it was a horrible image I can still recall.


Legendary Member
Then it sounds like a cut and dried "sorry mate - didn't see yer" case.


Resting in suspended Animation
I think you did well there PaulB. I remember having to keep a biker talking, having to keep them still and prop their legs above them on a chair and keep them wrapped up until the ambulance arrived. Not the most pleasant of things to be doing.

Mr Pig

New Member
I know/knew two people who were killed on motorbikes and one who was hurt. Cars/vans pulling out on them at junctions all three. From what I've seen bikers are rarely to blame.
Speed if often the cause, motorists look one way then the other and pull out. Trouble is that motorcycles are moving so fast they are on you before you know it.
Both parties have a responsilbility.


Formerly just_fixed
Mr Pig said:
I know/knew two people who were killed on motorbikes and one who was hurt. Cars/vans pulling out on them at junctions all three. From what I've seen bikers are rarely to blame.

you've obviously never traveled from barrowford to the lakes on a sunny sunday. most of the motorbikers are complete dickheads, driving too close to the rear of cars, too fast and overtaking in stupid places. they aren't in a rush as they all stand around at devils bridge having a cuppa tea. and to top it off they're mostly middle aged fat gits squeezed into leathers way too tight....they should know better at that age!!!

Mr Pig

New Member
shauncollier said:
you've obviously never travelled from barrowford to the lakes on a sunny Sunday.

I agree that yip, some of the bikers out there are morons. Sure. But driving in for twenty years I get the distinct impression that overall they are more careful than car drivers.


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
There are stats out there, which I don't have time to dig out, but the executive summary is:

2/3rds of motorcycle accidents on rural roads are 'no other vehicle involved' ones.

Where another vehicle is involved, the overwhelming cause is the other vehicle failing to accord right of way to the motorcycle.
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