Words that annoy ...

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Piemaster said:
Word that annoys me most? Work.

You too, eh? :biggrin:

"substantive" - ugh


Smutmaster General
Kevin Rowland got there in 1985;

"Well you know the kind of people who put creases in their old Levis?
The kind that use expressions like "tongue in cheek" and "send up"?
I don't like these people"
marinyork said:
I hadn't really thought about that before. Do you mean you don't like using increasingly outside of the special cases of becoming more X, or at all? Also is this motivated from the language side of things?

I don't like the use of the word 'increasingly' - I think there are more elegant ways around the ideas the word is trying to express.


Vehicle, when clearly not applied to something in a physical context with wheels (especially in relation to tax avoidance).

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I'm currently struggling with...

Key Performance Indicators.
Personal Development Plans.
Learning Management System.
Customer Relations Database.

What a load of fiddle.

I recall some years ago at a sales meeting when the accounting term EBIT was becoming popular and was being explained to us Technical types (nearly said 'techie' there and I don't want to offend...) and one of my colleagues half way through the presentation just put his head in his hand and moaned for all to hear "Oh God, there must be more to life than EBIT..."

(well it was good at the time).

Monkey Boy

New Member
1. Estate agents, and even worse, random people who call your house a 'property'....it's a frickin house
2. Society. Spoken by genaralistic ranters who don't really know what / who they are trying to blame
3. Gobsmacked & nerve racking - wtf? It means nothing.
4. 'In terms of.....' - another expression that has crept into the English language that means nothing

Monkey Boy

New Member
theclaud said:
Don't tell me - you think there's no such thing...

I'm gobsmacked. Society does not live in my property. D'OH. I'm going to take myslef outside for a good hard thrashing!!:wahhey:

Just the overuse of the word in the wrong context that P's me off.:smile:
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