Words that annoy ...

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theclaud said:
It has its moments - like on the News Quiz when Linda Smith referred to a moderate member of the Taliban - Mullah Lite.

Yes - she was beautiful with words. :evil:


Arch said:
It was all tested with a spoon from little polystyrene cups.
Polystyrene cups? Polystyrene cups?? :evil:

By the time it emerged from them I'm surprised it tasted of anything but polystyrene. You would think they might have accorded it sufficient respect to at least serve it in shot glasses. Cuh.

Priscilla Parsley

New Member
this thread is like.. TOTALLY awsome

I really hate random and bizarre, overused by lazy lazy lazy people, but also dislike a lot of net abbreviations like LOL and LMFAO, I know that it's likley to be unpopular but it makes me CRINGE (agree on dislike of newbie too - urgh) typing is quick so just spell it proper

but like zeitgeist its SO appropriate sometimes.
satans budgie said:
Dare you! :biggrin:

[whisper]The chemical (TCA) that makes wine taste of old wet cat is highly attracted to polystyrene (also polythene, as in bags). An hour or so in contact with a large area (break the cups up and pour the wine over them in a bowl) will make even badly corked wine drinkable. Then rebottle and resell[/whisper]


Legendary Member
Hover Fly said:
[whisper]The chemical (TCA) that makes wine taste of old wet cat is highly attracted to polystyrene (also polythene, as in bags). An hour or so in contact with a large area (break the cups up and pour the wine over them in a bowl) will make even badly corked wine drinkable. Then rebottle and resell[/whisper]

<shouts> b@r stewards, no wonder wine bar owners drive Porsche's, absolute b@r stewards </shouts> :biggrin:
Andy in Sig

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Dayvo said:
Two words, in fact!

Instead of saying 'pardon' or 'what did you say?' they use 'say again' or come again'! :smile: FFS

Say again is an official military phrase for use on radio nets and the reply begins with "I say again", so it does have some kind of legitimacy. I agree that it has no place in civilian life though. Isn't "come again" properly confined to East London and the brothel?


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I work in a building where many of the rooms have 'viewing panels' in their walls according to the architects. All of my colleagues refer to them as windows.


God Almighty
I hate being called "lad" or "son" by somebody younger/in an inferior position to me.

A while back, when I was just a corporal in my local cadet unit, I was giving a lecture to a bunch of new recruits, only for one minion to address me as "lad". He hasn't done it again since as he knows what will happen :wacko:
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