Your day's wildlife

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Mark Grant

Acting Captain of The St Annes Jombulance.
Hanworth, Middx.
Robin food from petshop and dried mealworms.
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My Armchair
'My' two earlier

Rob paired up.jpg


Norven Mankey
They don't look particularly wild!

I have a pair of great tits taking nesting material into a box. Is that a bit early @nickyboy ? Or anyone else!

It has been an unusually mild early Spring. The Wheatears, Chiffchaffs, Sand Martins (the traditional early migrants) have all appeared earlier than usual. So it's not unsurprising that Great Tits are starting their nest preparations. Particularly in the East Sussex riviera


Norven Mankey
Lots of birds on the high peaks now.....Curlew, Lapwing, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail. There was even a Meadow Pipit doing its display flight at 1,700ft on the top of Holme Moss

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
First bat of the year outside my window..!
''Like a bat out of hell, I'll be gone when the morning comes''...:music:I've seen a few flitting around up here in the Lakes...they must have thicker coats!:cold:
Saw several Oystercatchers near Moss Eccles tarn today (of course the sea is only just over 10 miles or thereabouts away) and a Curlew near Ulverston last Tuesday.


Cycling in the sun
''Like a bat out of hell, I'll be gone when the morning comes''...:music:I've seen a few flitting around up here in the Lakes...they must have thicker coats!:cold:
Saw several Oystercatchers near Moss Eccles tarn today (of course the sea is only just over 10 miles or thereabouts away) and a Curlew near Ulverston last Tuesday.
It has occurred to me that I've no idea when they normally first appear so I'm going to note the date this year and see when it is next year. But they like to flit along the front of our house. There is a couple of old ash trees at the back of the neighbour's, and I often wonder if they roost there. (The trees managed to cause us problems when buying the house as they were incorrectly identified as willow by the surveyor!)
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