£300000 per week

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but its a short career...........


Smutmaster General
It's obscene, really. It would take me somewhere between 6 and 7 years to earn what Rooney's getting in a week. Mad, absolutely mad. And such madness will ultimately lead to rebellion on the part of like-minded football enthusiasts, who will kick against this madness and reinstate SHOVE-HA'PENNY as the rightful heir in terms of sporting popularity.
the ridiculous money that is banded about now is partly the reason for not going to support Arsenal any more - I couldn't relate to he players or the money that they earn. That, and the game seems to have changed for the worse in recent years.

I am starting to sound like my dad.


Legendary Member
Market forces. Be paying a fair whack in tax, plus the Vat on luxury purchases and what not


Firm and Fruity
You cant blame the player for taking the money, you can only blame the system for allowing it.
Afterall, who wouldnt take £300,000 per week if it was offered to you?

And anyway, why stop at Wayne Rooney? Is Lewis Hammilton worth £10million a season, is Tom Cruise worth £5 million a film, is Jordan worth £1million per book?
The market finds the level that they are prepared to pay.
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Legendary Member
the ridiculous money that is banded about now is partly the reason for not going to support Arsenal any more - I couldn't relate to he players or the money that they earn. That, and the game seems to have changed for the worse in recent years.

I am starting to sound like my dad.
I think the game's far better than in my youth, overall - the influx of players (and managers) from overseas has transformed the game, at least at the higher levels. I loved the story someone posted here recently tho', about the players (Man City?) who have their cars brought round, ready pre-heated, for them to drive home after training.

Oh, and we all start to sound like our dads. You should hear me on couch potato kids and chaps with trousers with knee-level crotches


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
It is not the players fault that he has been offered that money, if the club are stupid enough to offer that amount then they are the fools.
I think the game's far better than in my youth, overall - the influx of players (and managers) from overseas has transformed the game, at least at the higher levels. I loved the story someone posted here recently tho', about the players (Man City?) who have their cars brought round, ready pre-heated, for them to drive home after training.

Oh, and we all start to sound like our dads. You should hear me on couch potato kids and chaps with trousers with knee-level crotches

I would imagine the man city thing is something to do with 'recovery' - marginal gains and all that! ^_^


Norven Mankey
So who are the fools in all this; Rooney - obviously not, everyone tries to get the best salary they can for whatever they do. Manchester United - probably not, they have weighed up the numbers, they have decided they will make more money by doing this than by not and they have decided they can afford it. The fans - could well be. By "fans" I actually mean the people paying a Sky Sports subscription and all the others around the world who pay directly or indirectly to watch the football. They earn a tiny fraction of what he earns but they are paying his wages.
Doesn't do the UK economy any harm either as a lot of this money comes indirectly from non-UK TV
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