1,500 miles since June 23rd

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And then there's the first 5-10 miles when you are warming up.
Depends which way I go, if I go west theres a bit of a climb so yea, If I go east its pretty much downhill, flat until I come back then usually wind, then the climb home.
Some rides are better than others, went out for 10 miles on sun evening and it rained enjoyed that one, yesterday I did 36 miles first ten I forgot to record and I enjoyed even though there were hills but coming back from Cawood a constant headwind, it was so strong I had to stop twice, my knee went 1 mile or so from home and my front gear cable started playing up,
Well done you.
My hubby comes from around the area that you cycle in. When we visit his Dad we get off the A1 at the Pontefract turning.

Your mileage is to be envied. I wish that I had your motivation. I might do a bit extra tonight now though :smile:
The mileage is just time really, though it gets covered quicker these days.
Which junction the Darrington one ( I go through there a lot I have a couple of 10 mile and 20 mile loops that way) or the old A1/M62 junction.
Do you bring your bikes up when you visit.

Paul H

Active Member
Well done mate:wahhey:that's a great achievement in that time scale...
Well done mate:wahhey:that's a great achievement in that time scale...
Good stuff !!
Thanks, not bad for an old Viking Torino, that no body seems to rate, but not having ridden anything else I have no comparisons, I also carry a set a panniers usually with enough tools to rebuild the bike, or least get it going again, so I dont have to walk all the way home, and also a full set of mudguards, so I reckon if I left them at home I would be faster, but the extra weight (and drag) I feel will help in my fitness.
Well done! It would be really interesting to see your weight changes.
I never weigh myself, I guess I was about 95-100Kg at the start (that wont be far out), I dont have any scales at home, but if the data from my Bryton 35 is anything like close, at about 36 calories per mile I should have lost about 8kg, which to be fair seems about right as I now fit a pair of shorts that were a little tight before I started, I dont really eat that much differently, just more exercise.
Congratulations that is a good mileage in 2 1/2 months. Get some good wet gear/lights and enjoy the winter
Weathers never bothered me I used to work on a creel boat, and collect shell fish (bailed on this a few times in the winter) off the west coast of Scotland, been out on the boat when the sea loch had frozen (fresh water from the hills over night froze) so not as cold as it sounds, but still flipping cold.
Again cost might be the problem on the new gear side though.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Well done !!
How do you find the time?
Wife + kids keep finding ways of stopping me getting out :gun:
Well done !!
How do you find the time?
Wife + kids keep finding ways of stopping me getting out :gun:
Kids are grown, other half doesnt mind so much, so long as I dont mention how well I have done if I have a good day, plus I dont work (mental health issues) though i do find the solitude of riding helping with that, unless theres wind like the last two days and you wonder why you do it.
My avg ride time is just under 2hrs and avg dist about 25-26 miles, although the rides so far are nothing demanding for a more experienced cyclist, I now find myself looking at more demanding rides, the flat areas whilst an easy introduction are becoming a little boring, and you have to almost pedal all the distance (which is tiring really), I am finding whilst hills are more difficult at least you get a slight recovery down them.


Well-Known Member
Well done on all that milage you've put in & no doubt hard work especially in the very early stages, i started about a month or so after you & i think i'm up to about 500 miles or so & i thought i was doing quite a lot :bicycle: ha ha.....how's the bike holding up by the way ?

Well done again :thumbsup:
Well done on all that milage you've put in & no doubt hard work especially in the very early stages, i started about a month or so after you & i think i'm up to about 500 miles or so & i thought i was doing quite a lot :bicycle: ha ha.....how's the bike holding up by the way ?

Well done again :thumbsup:
Thanks Bob, yea I have been watching your posts, well done.
My first 4 wks were 8.53 miles 1 day, 74 miles 3 days, 46 miles 2 days then 100 in 5, in the last 10 weeks I have only had 1 week less than 100 miles and usually between 4 and 7 days cycling. Its just simply i have the time, I am not fast, though better than when I started, finally starting to enjoy hills. I am close to what I set out to achieve between 14-15 mph avg, though the last two weeks have been down a bit, bit then I have had some bitty rides and more traffic, and this wind.

500 miles is no mean feat either it took me 6 weeks to reach that total. I started at 9.32 avg mph, after wk 6 I was at 12.86 mph for the wk, and thinking I just cant get up these hills very fast. I suspect I will get faster but it will be gradual from now on.
There is a route thats been done on strava by one of the local clubs I might have a go at it tomorrow and see how I compare, its quite flat though. I have had some rides around that area at 16 mph for 30 miles.

The bike needs new tyres and brake blocks, cables need a clean, the rear changing isn't so snappy at the mo (its fine changing to a lower gear but lags when changing to a higher gear) I was hoping it would wait till I got an 8 speed shifter, but I will have to do it in the morning.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Just a thought - if you're looking to stretch you're route then Sherburn to Cawood is a nice run. There's a cafe in Cawood as well (garden centre, take the right before the bridge & it's on the left).

From there you can head towards York on the quieter back roads, cut across York and back to Tadcaster.

That'd increase the miles.
Just a thought - if you're looking to stretch you're route then Sherburn to Cawood is a nice run. There's a cafe in Cawood as well (garden centre, take the right before the bridge & it's on the left).

From there you can head towards York on the quieter back roads, cut across York and back to Tadcaster.

That'd increase the miles.
Thanks David, I was in Cawood yesterday and had a tough 15-16 mile ride into the wind. To get home.


World class procrastinator
Depends which way I go, if I go west theres a bit of a climb so yea, If I go east its pretty much downhill, flat until I come back then usually wind, then the climb home.
Some rides are better than others, went out for 10 miles on sun evening and it rained enjoyed that one, yesterday I did 36 miles first ten I forgot to record and I enjoyed even though there were hills but coming back from Cawood a constant headwind, it was so strong I had to stop twice, my knee went 1 mile or so from home and my front gear cable started playing up,

The mileage is just time really, though it gets covered quicker these days.
Which junction the Darrington one ( I go through there a lot I have a couple of 10 mile and 20 mile loops that way) or the old A1/M62 junction.
Do you bring your bikes up when you visit.

Askern is where we come visiting. I just know where to turn off as it is not my stamping ground at all. Sometimes we bring the bikes and then sometimes we bring the dogs. This upcoming visit, we are bringing the dogs.

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