100 miles - Reassurance Sought

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Plan your route to be "head wind out, back wind home" if possible.
Eat a slow carb release breakfast.
Carry loads of fast carbs and eat every 2 hours/30 miles (cake, biscuits, sweets, cake, sweet tea, cake).
Keep cadence high.

Pace yourself
If using a heart rate monitor, keep below 60% of max heart rate at least on the way out (head wind).
The nearer you get to home, the more you can speed up.

I did 100.7 miles today (solo) using all the above and had enough "in reserve" to try racing two strava sections on
the way back, gaining 3rd place out of 21 on "Earith Straight NE". ^_^


BB wrecker
Plan your route to be "head wind out, back wind home" if possible.
Eat a slow carb release breakfast.
Carry loads of fast carbs and eat every 2 hours/30 miles (cake, biscuits, sweets, cake, sweet tea, cake).
Keep cadence high.

Pace yourself
If using a heart rate monitor, keep below 60% of max heart rate at least on the way out (head wind).
The nearer you get to home, the more you can speed up.

I did 100.7 miles today (solo) using all the above and had enough "in reserve" to try racing two strava sections on
the way back, gaining 3rd place out of 21 on "Earith Straight NE". ^_^
I always try to head into the wind when on my own as the ride home is often more comfortable
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Plan your route to be "head wind out, back wind home" if possible.
Eat a slow carb release breakfast.
Carry loads of fast carbs and eat every 2 hours/30 miles (cake, biscuits, sweets, cake, sweet tea, cake).
Keep cadence high.

Pace yourself
If using a heart rate monitor, keep below 60% of max heart rate at least on the way out (head wind).
The nearer you get to home, the more you can speed up.

I did 100.7 miles today (solo) using all the above and had enough "in reserve" to try racing two strava sections on
the way back, gaining 3rd place out of 21 on "Earith Straight NE". ^_^

Sadly, the route is fixed, and it looks like we'll have a slight tailwind (7mph) on the way out, with the headwind on the way back.

All the hills are on the way back too.

The plan is to take it gently for the first 55 miles, have a good lunch, tackle the hills, then see how much is left in the legs for the 20 flat miles home, before deciding whether to finish quickly or trundle home.

Having said that, I'm not going for a good pace, I just want to complete the 100 and do it without too much suffering!
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Cheers for the advice and reassurance guys - I did it! 103 miles in total. A couple of the climbs were horrendous and I would've put a foot down if it wasn't for my mate giving me encouragement, but after the lumpy bits were behind us it was plain sailing and I finished strong.

Now it's time for beer and pizza.


Dog on a bike
Ah Colin, the time off the bike is dulling your ambition. ;)

HP will be doing LEL alongside me next year. :biggrin:
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Ha! I think my next big ride will be the Cyclone next year. 104 miles, on some of the same roads, but including a couple of EVEN BIGGER hills. My plan now is to incorporate lots of hills into my training rides, and perhaps shed some weight (or get a triple!).


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Ah Colin, the time off the bike is dulling your ambition. ;)
We aren't talking about my ambition! :thumbsup: (Which is currently just to get riding again and worry about distance, speed and hilliness later.)

When I tackled my first '200', I thought it was my longest ride at that time but I'd forgotten that I'd done 138 miles previously on this ride - Hebden Bridge - Manchester - Blackpool - Hebden Bridge.


Cheers for the advice and reassurance guys - I did it! 103 miles in total. A couple of the climbs were horrendous and I would've put a foot down if it wasn't for my mate giving me encouragement, but after the lumpy bits were behind us it was plain sailing and I finished strong.

Now it's time for beer and pizza.
Well done, glad you seemed to enjoy it. You'll find the next one easier I am sure.
I am going for my first 100 in a couple of weeks on the Manchester/Southport night ride. I have done a few 50 mile rides and a 60, just hope it is enough!
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