15 a day smoker's 1st 10 miler

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Well done on your 10 miler. I was a heavy smoker from my teens through till I was 61, but also cycled a lot. You are doing well with your cycling so although it is good to quit smoking don't beat yourself up about it. You will stop when you are ready to stop. May I second what has been said on here, Champix rocks when it comes to quitting. I have been quit 3.5 years. When you're ready, get on an NHS quit course.


Über Member
Well I must have seriously shoot lungs, I smoked for ten years, started cycling to help motivate me from not lighting up, the first time I rode up and down the street I was done in my heart felt like it was going to eject through my chest. It's took me 3 years to get where I am today, the first year I was still smoking when drinking booze, but I was falling in love with cycling and new I'd need to quit for good if I wanted to continue cycling. I lost my dad to smoking illnesses and my grandad died from lung cancer, I was 29 at the time and through cycling realised how unfit I'd become. Exsmokers always say "it's the best thing I ever did" but for me personally it really was. I commute mon - fri and ride at the weekend. Cycling is a big part of my life now. Only trouble is I spend alot more on cycling than I did on fags! But I feel great and you can't put a price on that!
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