1500 lumens and STILL they SMIDSY !

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Legendary Member
Best excuse I ever had was one of Aquacar's finest, who pulled out of a junction and I ended up a couple of inches from the driver's door looking straight into the whites of his eyes...

Me: Could you not see the lights (Enduro Maxx 750 Lumens)?

Aquacar's finest: I thought you were a motorbike!

Me: .. and you still pulled out?

Aquacar's finest:Yeah? Motorcycles have decent brakes and wouldn't have had any problem stopping. You've ony got a problem 'cos your brakes are crap!

It really never occurred that waiting at the junction until the oncoming vehicle passed was an option, never mind the correct thing to have done, nope it was up to other road users to brake and avoid hitting him!
Theyre great arent they:laugh:

Ace Demon

Active Member
At last :bravo: ....The logic behind this theory has eventually sunk in and I'm toying with leaving my front helmet flasher off for a while to monitor the effect it has at junctions.

Helmet lamps are probably a bad idea on the road. The brain uses height of an object against background as one of its ways to determine distance away. So a higher lamp appears to be further away. I noticed this when approaching a cyclist even though ambient lighting was reasonable and the cyclist was visible. I don't remember whether it was flashing but I do remember having to take time to reassess.
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