205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Language inflation. Eventually you run out of ultra-hyper-superlatives.

Like The X Factor did years ago !


Bionic Subsonic
I think this is the breakfast in question: -
Feast on this beast of a breakfast. Served on a giant base of potato and onion hash, we've piled four juicy British pork sausages, four rashers of crispy grilled back-bacon, three fried free-range eggs, grilled tomatoes, flat mushrooms and Heinz™ baked beans. Comes with unlimited tea or coffee and toast!!

I'm not sure I could get on my bike after that, never mind set off for another 150 miles!

Hip Priest

I'd love to attempt a challenge like that one day.

The breakfast I mean, not the ride.

13 rider

To do that milage over the last two days in the winds is staggering I done 47 today and my legs still ache 6 hours later !


Full time tea drinker

The pink shaded bit is SA's projected schedule. He's ahead of his most ambitious projection but he's less ahead after day 11 than he has been since the start. Tarzan after one day has matched TGs distance. (It's all gobsmackingness from my point of view.)


Cracking a solo.
I know I'm being really thick but I'm struggling with the graph, is there a nice simple* so and so has done this much which is x more or less than the record was at the same point?

And yes I do mean more simple than a really simple graph :blush:
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