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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Five Live is the Daily Mail and The Sun and The Express all rolled up together. I had to stop listening to it some years ago (sport apart). Nicky Campbell went so far up his own arse I couldn't bear his smugness anymore.
There are too many phone-ins with ill-informed Joe Public given too much hot air time. If I want to know what the hoi polloi think I come on CC!

Most of the sports commentators are ok but Alan Green is a pain in the arse. A bit like Nicky Campbell on speed.


Turned it off years ago, but listened to it for the 'Lympics which was mostly good coverage spoiled by Nicky Campbell being a tosser.

Rob S

New Member
I too had a job that allowed me to listen to 5 Live for seven hours a day....I still have that job but have been told I can't listen to the radio in one ear....they insist I listen to the pc fan and my own demons now instead. Ironically this came the next working day after I found out that Simon Mayo is very unlikely to move when 5 Live relocate to Salford in 2011 and I was left wondering what I would listen to then :biggrin:

Anyhoo...as you probably know they have tinkered with the weekday scheduling, scrapping the Midday News (which I always enjoyed once they got rid of Alan Robb) and replacing it with the god damn awful Victoria Derbyshire and her show which has been shifted an hour to make way for the unfathomable adding of an extra hour of phone ins at 9am hosted by Nicky Campbell, who, I generally enjoy during the Breakfast slot. Thankfully I miss this hour of awfulness as I'm getting ready for and going to work.

You can't beat Simon Mayo though and I'll just have to listen to it on iPlayer for 3 hours every evening until he leaves.
I haven't listened for a few years now but it used to be my morning and evening commute entertainment. THeir sport coverage is generally excellent and I remeber listening to Gayle and whatisname winning the silver at Badminton in the last Olympics but one. I also remember the Irish commentator, whose name escapes me, doing an intro for the karate competiton and finishing it with the line "...and then they beat the living shite out of one another". The studio presenters apologised for him and from being a regular he was never heard of again after that.

Rob S

New Member
rich p said:
Five Live is the Daily Mail and The Sun and The Express all rolled up together.

The only time it's that is during the spectaculary bad Steven Nolan slot. So bad I doubt he'd even get on Talksport!!!:biggrin:


Any radio station with Anita Anand on the strength can't be all bad. :biggrin:

Rob S

New Member
another_dave_b said:
Any radio station with Anita Anand on the strength can't be all bad. :biggrin:

Yeah she's ok and it's good she's doing Drive instead of the 10pm slot. I'm also in love with Rachel Burden's voice...oh and Aasmah Mir's.:biggrin:


pre-talced and mighty
I like the breakfast show - there's a real zippiness and friendliness between the presenters, they step outside the Westminster village for political interviewees, and they're not so crudely in thrall to the status quo in the way the dreadful arselicking Today programme is. Peter Allen on Drive is an abysmal misanthrope, and Anita Anand is hopeless - but my view of her is coloured by being on her show once and realising that she simply hadn't a clue, or any interest in the subject

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I like Mayo's books show, and the movie slot with Mark Kermode is genius. (I listen to them as podcasts rather than live though). Both Dr. Karl's science phone in, Dr. Chris Smith's "Breaking Science" are great listens too (on in the wee small hours though, easier to catch on listen again or the podcast).


Legendary Member
User1314 said:
Thought Drive was still up to the mark. But then they spoilt it by more or less starting a campaign to make proper use of the possesive apostrophe.
Excellent - the world would be a much better place if everyone knew how to use apostrophes correctly.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I think this may have something to do with Birmingham Council's decision to ditch the apostrophe in Kings Norton etc.


Smutmaster General
nilling said:
It's all part of the BBC "let us know what you think, you can email ot text on blah blah blah"...
yurrs, like Question Time... in the good old days you'd watch it, argue the points with your dad and then go to sleep. Now you have to text in your gibberish, then go to the forum and stay up late drinking wine until you end up calling Andy from Salford a to$$ser and an egomaniac. :biggrin:
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