A cat question

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Legendary Member
Indeed. Why do you need to rename him?
Or change his diet?

My cat was a rescue (stray rather than rehome), managed to keep him in for a week before he went stir crazy, he's never wandered. I just went out with him, was around at home at the beginning and made sure he was ok with the catflap

If this cat hasn't been neutered, get it done asap
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Legendary Member
I went a bit OTT with my cat. She now thinks she's a dog.

You've had some pretty good advice so far.

Would definitely say at least a month indoors before letting him out - at this time of year when it's cold, wet and mucky outside it's easier to do than in the summer. Then certainly introduce him to the garden on a lead and harness. Both my girls are harness trained and will walk quite happily on a lead.

If you are concerned about him wandering, I suggest you perhaps cat-proof your garden if you can. or maybe build a catio / run if you can't That way he can go out but won't be able to wander. There are loads of different ways of doing this, so if it's feasible, well worth looking up.

When it comes to food, I'd start on what he's used to and then gradually mix in what you want to feed him on.

Would also advocate getting either a Feliway or Pet Rescue plug in just to make him feel more secure. Also, give him hiding places so he can have some quiet time if he needs it and lots of interesting toys to keep him occupied.

I suspect the wee toot is missing his former owner. Cats do feel grief and loss as much as we do, so be gentle, give lots of attention etc etc etc.

Hope this helps :smile:


Legendary Member
As posters took the time to give me good advice, I thought I'd give a quick update.

Firstly, I'm really happy he's allowed us to serve him. :rolleyes:

He really is adorable, and loves a cuddle and a sleep. He's generally sprawled out on his back with his feet in the air, which seemingly is a sign he feels secure. He should do, what I know of his past and his current behaviour, he's known nothing but love, so I'll have no trouble keeping that up for him.

He seems to have settled in really well. He took to the litter tray with no problems, which he refused to do for the last owner.

He has his own chair in the lounge, that he takes exception to anyone else using. It's right under the window, so he alternates between the chair and the window sill.

He's into a good routine, (okay, he's got us into one) and I've hopefully sorted the eating out. The main problem was he liked cooked meat, and a specific type at that, that couldn't be too hot or too cold, and I really don't have the time for that, especially as the main source of his particular preference is a trip away. I wanted to make sure he was content and happy and also wants to come back when I let him out. A bit of trial and error, and he's wolfing down some easier to manage meats and some biscuits along with cat milk. He doesn't touch water though. I'm not sure if that's an issue, or if it is, that it will resolve itself.

I've not tried a lead and harness as I've not had chance to get to the pet store, plus I'm not sure how he'll take to it. As he seems settled and happy, I'm giving it about a week before I try him outside, maybe with the harness, but maybe not. He's had an explore around the house, but doesn't seem that active or adventurous, so I'm hoping he won't stray too far, and will come back. As he has his (our) routine, I'm planning to let him out about half an hour before his feed, so he comes back for that, and on a day I know we'll be around in case of any issues.

The other question was about the name. I'll not go into the whys or wherefores, but he's keeping the original.

Anyway, thanks for your advice everyone, it was appreciated. :hello:
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Ah, that's good. :thumbsup:

If he's on wet food i.e. pouches, then he'll get most of his moisture needs from that. But there should always be fresh water on hand regardless of what you feed. Some cats though, will prefer a water fountain rather than a bowl. I once had a cat who liked to drink from the toilet. :blush:

My current two have a torus water bowl, which has a 2 litre reservoir. It's halfway between a water fountain and an ordinary bowl as the water is gravity fed and filtered.

Suggest you only offer cat milk as a treat though. Because of the calorie content, it's considered a food rather than a drink, so do watch out. You might end up with a porky puss.


Legendary Member
Ah, that's good. :thumbsup:

If he's on wet food i.e. pouches, then he'll get most of his moisture needs from that. But there should always be fresh water on hand regardless of what you feed. Some cats though, will prefer a water fountain rather than a bowl. I once had a cat who liked to drink from the toilet. :blush:

My current two have a torus water bowl, which has a 2 litre reservoir. It's halfway between a water fountain and an ordinary bowl as the water is gravity fed and filtered.

Suggest you only offer cat milk as a treat though. Because of the calorie content, it's considered a food rather than a drink, so do watch out. You might end up with a porky puss.

Cheers. We're off to the pet store soon, I'll have a look at the fountain, but I do leave fresh water for him.

It's not pouches, I've yet to find a pet food he likes, but I'll keep trying. When we were kids, cat would meow until we turned the tap on and drink from that.
Cheers. We're off to the pet store soon, I'll have a look at the fountain, but I do leave fresh water for him.

It's not pouches, I've yet to find a pet food he likes, but I'll keep trying. When we were kids, cat would meow until we turned the tap on and drink from that.

What are you feeding him, out of interest?

The girls' usual wet food is Felix AGAIL and they have Royal Canin "Sensible" biscuits. Plus they get the odd meal of raw. Lexi is also rather fond of snacks-on-legs...
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