A day to remember

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Chorlton and the Wheelies
The Frozen North
Cracking day out today.

It has been mild the last 24 hrs here in the highlands, in that the temp. reached 0 celcius for the first time in a week. The snow has gone from the roads low down and the ice is manageable now that the gritter has finally seen fit to do the country roads. It rained this morning, but cleared up later on. Crisp, clear with blue skies, snow on all the mountains and only 0 C. Compared to yesterday where I did 25 miles on what felt like sheet ice, with one front wheel skid (how I recovered that one will forever remain a mystery)

A pal came over at lunchtime and we set off for around a 2hr cycle (as the women folk were likely to be less than forgiving for anything longer, but we didn't mention the pub). We were well wrapped up, and in view of the ice both had 35mm touring tyres on (mine were studded as I couldn't be bothered swapping them out). The sky was blue and the single track roads of the Black Isle were quiet as anything. Barely a car all day (Ok, well 6 passed us in 28 miles, yes I did count, pretty remarkable, but they all must have been in town xmas shopping). No wind, for a change. Felt great to be out, however, the 28% hill out of Fortrose was a little lung burning, although eased to 20% after a while...nice, but the thicker tyres and our commuter bikes made it seem harder than it has ever been before.

The day was completed by a stop in our village pub, in front of a roaring fire, for a couple of pints and some crisps. Then home to the women folk, who were in excellent form, despite the 8 children in the house (4+2+2 little friends).

Who says Scotland is grim in the winter (last 7 days notwithstanding)

Back commuting tomorrow am at 6am into Inverness (clear night here, so I'm expecting a cold one)

Just thought I'd share..........hopefully not too self indulgent or boring.^_^

soulful dog

Good to hear you enjoyed your outing. It's amazing what a difference a wee bit of blue sky makes isn't it?!

Although, after a quick errand yesterday morning when the roads were still a bit icy, today I opted to take the dog for a long walk instead. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably be doing that more than cycling for the next couple of months.... hopefully I'll not put too much weight on!


Chorlton and the Wheelies
The Frozen North
Good to hear you enjoyed your outing. It's amazing what a difference a wee bit of blue sky makes isn't it?!

Although, after a quick errand yesterday morning when the roads were still a bit icy, today I opted to take the dog for a long walk instead. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably be doing that more than cycling for the next couple of months.... hopefully I'll not put too much weight on!

Turbo trainer, and a good set of tunes????


No. That wasn't boring. I've just replaced the shower curtain rings in the bathroom and the wife's just informed me Downton Abbey is back on on Christmas day. Just got to go in the garage to find a fuse for the Christmas tree lights and then I'll put the milk on the stove for our horlicks. :smile:

soulful dog

Turbo trainer, and a good set of tunes????
I suppose it would help keep me ticking over during the winter months, but fitness isn't really my thing, so a turbo seems like a bit of overkill. Mind you, I do feel every spring like I am having to rebuild a fair bit of fitness to get back to what I was like the previous summer..... just can't see myself plodding away on a turbo though!
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