A few low cost improvements will help cycling

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Surely it has to be easier and cheaper to aim for potential cyclists than sort out some of the problems caused by motoring? Encouraging cycling and putting workable routes in place will surely mean that motoring problems lessen as there will be less motorists.

I see your well reasoned post attracted the local morons.


extimus uero philosophus
I see your well reasoned post attracted the local morons.

I find it a great opportunity to help others understand, even if the original posters have to instigate that understanding.

Mind you my posts always attract an element on that site. Funny story, myself and a guy called Southy on there obviously upset someone a little while back as two new users called "Suothy" and "down fader" (with a space) popped up with some moronic posts. :biggrin:


A Human Being
I had the Swindon CTC "champion" tell me how great Swindon's cycle network was, they got a little upset when I pointed out there were no dedicated cycle paths, just pavements designated by the local council as shared use and even then there is a large black hole of cycle provision in the town centre where it's busy roads or ride illegally on the pavement.


extimus uero philosophus
I had the Swindon CTC "champion" tell me how great Swindon's cycle network was, they got a little upset when I pointed out there were no dedicated cycle paths, just pavements designated by the local council as shared use and even then there is a large black hole of cycle provision in the town centre where it's busy roads or ride illegally on the pavement.

It always amazed me how officials, politicians and noncyclists campaign to have pavements turned into "shared" use and then complain because no cyclists are using them. As I say with many things its that "light bulb" moment, the light is perhaps too bright to see some of the more important detail.


New Member
most of the share paths near me put the bike road side which means everyone on foot will just walk right in front of you regardless when the cross or are getting on or off the busses lucky for me I only ride about 500 m of it the rest is road
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