a little bit of knee pain

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Active Member
Hey any ideas,
I get a bit of a sore knee, left knee only at the front just below the knee cap..

What should I try first, cleat for back forward, seat up or down, back n forward..

Or would it be easier just to get a professional bike fit and if so any near Manchester..
Cheers for any advice..

pig on a bike

Active Member
If this has only just come on rest it abit and see how it goes i get it sometimes goes away after aweek i put ice on it each evening seems to work.

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
Pain at either side would suggest your cleats need adjusting.

At the front it is likely to be from over-exertion, ie you're cycling in too high a gear. Try lower gears to up your cadence.

Either way a proper bike fit can only be a good thing, even if it only confirms that every thing is in order.


Active Member
Hey thanks for your replies
Think I am going to look into a professional bike fitting..
Can anybody recommend anywhere near Manchester or the North West.
Thanks for any replies..


Swinglish Mountain Goat
Pain at either side would suggest your cleats need adjusting.

At the front it is likely to be from over-exertion, ie you're cycling in too high a gear. Try lower gears to up your cadence.

Either way a proper bike fit can only be a good thing, even if it only confirms that every thing is in order.

Pain in the front of the knee (anterior) may also be due to the saddle being too low, too far forwards, or even using too long cranks.
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