A riddle: man jumps off a balcony

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Leg End Member
Did I miss a terminal velocity joke somewhere?


Legendary Member
London, UK
Despite his initial intentions in these circumstances he would have survived had he not been hit by a bullet from a gun. Therefore the shooter is culpable
Will the right honourable gentleman join me in condemning the shooter? Oh you do do you? Well that's great. Let's go get a drink.


Legendary Member
London, UK
The bouncy thing at the bottom didn't belong to him. The other stunt man had deflated it and loaded it on his truck.
PS it is impossible other than by luck to have hit him. The bullet would be travelling at below muzzle velocity , which is? The jumper would be falling at? But accelerating as he fell so he would be travelling at?
But the falling person would reach terminal velocity


Legendary Member
London, UK
So...jumping caused his death not the bullet?
At most, jumping would cause a heart attack which in this case it didn't as he calmly wrote a note on the way down. Hitting the ground would have caused death but in this case it wouldn't have due to that vlmt (very large matress thingie).

Part two of the conundrum, case study, whatever you lot call it:

The jumper, on his way up, decided to stop off at his friends place who had bought a new gun and timer. The gun and timer guy said he was going to kill himself too and set his gun up on a timer. While he would look out the window, the gun would shoot a bullet. Thinking of saving his friend, the jumper swapped the real bullets for non-lethal rubber ones. He then continued his journey up to commence the jump.

The friend was looking out the window and decided he also doesnt want to commit suicide any more (wth is it with these dumb people?). As he looked out the window he saw below the big air matress and decided to jump on it.

When he landed, it cushioned his blow as expected and he decided to tidy it up. "What the heck is it doing here anyway he thought. So he got his knife and punctured a hole in it letting all the air out. He walked away to get some large bags to dispose the matress.

In the meantime, the first guy, the jumper that is, jumped. As he fell past the window of the floor where the gun was, the gun shot a bullet after having reached a timed setting. The fake bullet hit the jumper, and despite a little pain, he was not dead, and neither would he die from the fake bullet.

But then he landed on the non-inflated matress (that he had seen earlier and wrote a note while he was falling). Then, he died.

When the friend came back to tidy up the matress, he saw his friend there, splattered.

He called 911 (or 999) and waited for the police. One cop who was nearby came in his squad car and saw the friend kneeling over the dead guy, with blood on his hands. The cop thought the friend had killed the jumper, not knowing any better, and figured the friend was armed and dangerous.

Immediately the cop pulled out his gun, or he would have done, but he had lost it earlier in the day. Not knowing what else to do, the friend ran. He ran back to his apartment up the tower and the cop was in hot pursuit. When they got to the apartment, the cop found his gun, which was on a tripod, with a timer.

The cop grabbed his gun and pointed it at the friend who was now standing by the window. The cop, not wanting to get into trouble for having lost his gun earlier, decided to kill the friend. The friend was hit with a fake bullet, but being a panicky fellow, jumped out the window to land on the matress. Aha he was happy as he realised the bullet was fake and that he would live another day! Then he recalled that he had deflated the matress and was in fact about to be splattered next to the original guy, the jumper.

The cop was now at the window looking down. He also saw another cop (cop number 2) near the matress looking up (because the other cops had arrived by now, sirens blazing) and was a witness for the friend jumping out the window. Yet another cop, cop number 3, stood at the door to the apartment, and saw cop 1 fire a shot.

Now what?

Edit, fixed typos
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So you didn't even die once. If your resuscitated you never died. Stop exaggerating.

Heart failure main cause, as given on the records.

You didn't die, as given in the records.

Unless you have a death certificate you didn't die. Stop being a drama queen.
Obviously you have not read the whole thread or you would have noticed that you are agreeing with me.

Stop being a drama queen.
I think you will find that sentence is politically incorrect......for the rest of us!!!

Tin Pot

Now what?

Nuke the site from above and start again.

The first thought experiment was interesting, but this revision is just a mess.

The cop drew his gun only he didn't because he lost it earlier? To make up for it he shoots a suspect with crime scene evidence?

Ok, so none of this is believable now, but the first cop on the scene needs to be arrested for attempted murder. I wouldn't be surprised if he jumped out of the window too.
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