A tempting thought..

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New Member
Southampton, UK
Now I've often been upset with the manner in which I've been treated on the road. I'm not sure if it's because I am female, but I get the impression that many motorists come to the conclusion I'm weak, and that they should pay no attention to me. This is often the case exemplary in motorists who like to speed ahead and make a quick left turn in front of me, leaving to slam on my brakes. I thought to myself: Why do they do this? Why do they get away with this time and time over, on the same roads, with the same lack of concern? So I pondered this over until I realized: You draw no attention as a cyclist. You don't have a metal cage around you as some form of protective and offensive gear. You do not have an obnoxious, blaring noise you can use to alert others to the idiocy of the person ahead of you.

So I was thinking about a piece of kit that I could hook together. This serves only as a fantasy, as it would be almost impossible to implement. With some careful work, I could easily hook up a 'Train Horn' to my bicycle along with a good 12V battery lead around the back. Of course, one would need earmuffs. So what will go through the mind of the disgusting mannered motorists who choose to cause discontent and danger to cyclists when they are greeted with that? There's no 'ding ding!' and a slightly shrill noise of discontent as a tiny brake is applied. Just a heavy 'BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAART' that would make even the most burly of white van men brown themselves a little. It would serve as a nice piece of content for YouTube upload if these events were monitored over about a year or so with a helmet camera.

What do you all think of this ridiculous idea? Has anyone got a good way to let motorists know of their error, in spite of your smaller transport?


Legendary Member
NE England
The Air Zound is light, recharged with your foot or track pump and LOUD! Loud enough to catch the attention of dozy motorists about to commit a SMIDSY so good for your purpose too.


New Member
Southampton, UK
You know what? I reckon from what I've found out about that device that it'd be a really easy thing to work better on. I'd find a better vessel to handle a lower resonant frequency, edit on a little gauge for pressure, and have a small lever pump built on to the side of the vessel.


Legendary Member
Could it be that you are not riding far enough from the kerb to discourage the left hook? Have you read Cyclecraft? For any cyclist, road positioning is the key to staying safe.
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