Sore Thumb
I was in collision with a car a few months ago. Case still going on. I had to get a quote for the repairs to my bike.
Got a quote from local bike shop (A) the total quote was around £650.
A big part of the damage was my wheel. It's a hand built wheel with quality parts. Bike shop (A) quoted me £350 for the repair of the wheel. However I could get the wheel replaced with the exactly the same wheel from the online shop I got it from in the first place for around £180. So why £350?
I the went to bike shop (B) at the quoted me for entire work at £400. They did the work for me and managed to fix wheel without replacing it so total cost of work was £200.
I could have do all of the work myself but insurance company need a independent quote. I think I could have done all work as well as replace wheel for around £350.
As I needed the bike to get to work I needed to get bike fixed and payed for ASAP. So I couldn't wait for a settlement from insurance. Insurance company gave me permission to do this.
Over £650 repair bill was just too much for myself to pay when in reality I could do it for £350. But In the end lbs (B) did it for £200.
So why would a well known lbs that I have used lots try and quote excessive high repair bills?
Got a quote from local bike shop (A) the total quote was around £650.
A big part of the damage was my wheel. It's a hand built wheel with quality parts. Bike shop (A) quoted me £350 for the repair of the wheel. However I could get the wheel replaced with the exactly the same wheel from the online shop I got it from in the first place for around £180. So why £350?
I the went to bike shop (B) at the quoted me for entire work at £400. They did the work for me and managed to fix wheel without replacing it so total cost of work was £200.
I could have do all of the work myself but insurance company need a independent quote. I think I could have done all work as well as replace wheel for around £350.
As I needed the bike to get to work I needed to get bike fixed and payed for ASAP. So I couldn't wait for a settlement from insurance. Insurance company gave me permission to do this.
Over £650 repair bill was just too much for myself to pay when in reality I could do it for £350. But In the end lbs (B) did it for £200.
So why would a well known lbs that I have used lots try and quote excessive high repair bills?