Actors you dislike but like in a certain movie

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Chatting amongst work collegues as one does about the subject of actors you don't like but liked in a certain movie. Some one here hates Brad Pitt but only recently for the first time saw the movie 'Seven' and really enjoyed it, he never wanted to see it because of Pitt.

For me,

Colin Farrell
Really do not like him, can't stand him in fact...horrible crappy unwatchable actor imo. But 'In Bruges' is a brilliant movie.

So which actors do you normally not like but like in one of their movies?


Just call me Chris...
John Travolta, but brilliant in Pulp Fiction


Resting in suspended Animation
Tom Cruise - Magnolia
Ben Stiller - The Royal Tenenbaums
Leonardo di Caprio - Revolutionary Road.

Really dislike all three of them but particularly the top two.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Kurt Russell, except in Big Trouble in Little China, where he appears to point fun at himself. Although maybe he wasn't...


I agree with Ian on the Colin Farrell/In Bruges one and 3BM with The Matt Damon/Departed selection.

Had one then but forgot it as i am packing up to go home... oh well, sorry.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I liked Laurence Olivier in Marathon Man. Otherwise I couldn't see what the fuss was about.


New Member
ianrauk said:
Chatting amongst work collegues as one does about the subject of actors you don't like but liked in a certain movie. Some one here hates Brad Pitt but only recently for the first time saw the movie 'Seven' and really enjoyed it, he never wanted to see it because of Pitt.

For me,

Colin Farrell
Really do not like him, can't stand him in fact...horrible crappy unwatchable actor imo. But 'In Bruges' is a brilliant movie.

So which actors do you normally not like but like in one of their movies?

Agree totally about Farrell and In Bruges. Brad Pitt has done some good work though.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Jim Carrey ... hate the sight of the guy .. can't act, same routine in nearly every film, but the only role that he made me laugh in was in Dumb and Dumber
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