Addison Lee HM Government Petition Page

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Signed. And spread about..


I suggest you dont read the comments following The Daily Mails reporting of this matter - you may all explode!
Cut and pasted from a bikes alive email:

At 6pm on Monday 23 April, hundreds of cyclists are due to besiege the headquarters of London’s biggest mini-cab company, Addison Lee, to take part in a “die-in”; many cabbies are expected to show their support.
John Griffin, boss of major mini-cab firm Addison Lee, has told his drivers to illegally use bus lanes, since – despite his tete-a-tetes with ministers (and his £250,000 in donations to the Tory Party) – he has failed to get the law changed. Any such change would slow down journeys for millions of bus passengers and for users of real taxis, and greatly increase the dangers for cyclists. The mini-cab boss went on to put the blame for the maiming of cyclists on cyclists themselves, rather than on the motorists who maim them.
The initial response from Transport for London (TfL), regulator of London’s mini-cabs, has been less than robust. (By coincidence, mayor Boris Johnson, who’s in charge of TfL, has received £25,000 in donations from John Griffin.)
So large numbers of cyclists, in a gesture of resistance to Addison Lee’s selfishness, plan to hold a “die-in” at 6pm on Monday evening at the company’s head office in William Road, London NW1 (two blocks north of the Euston underpass).
Bikes Alive spokesperson Albert Beale said today, “This is yet another example of the increase in threats to cyclists, and of the unwillingness of Transport for London to prioritise the health, safety and sanity of Londoners as a whole over the selfishness of motorists and – in this case – of rich company bosses. Any Addison Lee drivers who illegally follow their boss’s instruction to use bus lanes may find themselves blockaded by cyclists: many of us are convinced of the need to actively – albeit peacefully – defend ourselves, in the face of the anti-cyclist policies of TfL and of people like John Griffin.”
[1] Bikes Alive is a network of cyclists promoting peaceful self-defence against traffic violence (see
[2] For more on the die-in at the Addison Lee head office, contact the event’s initiator, Beth Anderson on 07769 555111.
[3] For other queries about Bikes Alive, contact Albert Beale on 020-7278 4474.
[4] Bikes Alive will be enforcing a one-hour traffic go-slow during the evening rush-hour at the lethal junction outside Kings Cross station on Monday 30 April, in response to current changes to the roads at Kings Cross which not only fail to address the dangers faced by cyclists, but actually introduce new ones. Such actions will continue until the mayor elected that week – whoever it is – reverses TfL policies which prioritise vehicle throughput over the safety of non-motorised road users. The Kings Cross junction is one where (as recently disclosed) TfL traffic planners were told to ignore cyclists. For background to the situation at Kings Cross, see the Bikes Alive press releases dated 11 March, 25 March, and 18 April 2012 (all Bikes Alive press releases can be found at
here - London 24? I've no idea where they fit on the spectrum of reliable reporting ......

but I DO like
Up to 3,000 cyclists covered in fake blood could protest later at the London headquarters of mini cab firm Addison Lee – which has called for peace talks with demonstrators.
Oh sh!t - did you miss his retraction? Did you miss his change of heart on bus lanes? Funny, I missed them too.

Sore Thumb

Don't forget to rate his smartphone apps. He has very cunningly updated his iPhone app, so we need to to give an updated review for his updated app.

If you don't know how to add a review to an app by using your iphone then check the link below. Its very easy.

Also check this post on the I pay road tax web site. It looks like he takes £23 million in fares by people using the app. So the app is big business for him, let your views be known.


New Member
Griffin's highly irresponsible comments and call to action is basis enough for the Addison Lee license to be revoked.

Well sorry for playing devil's advocate here (someone needs to), but I read his article and just thought "what a prat". I would have left it at that - after all, he makes a fair point about the need for more training, even if he wraps it up with the ridiculous idea that accidents are our fault! His conclusion about "paying up" is drawn from nowhere - no explanation, even if we can second guess exactly how his logic works on that one (we pay no tax - yawn!).

I don't think this moron deserves the attention he is getting - as if we really expected better from a minicab boss?

As for bus lanes, my personal preference is for as few vehicles to be in them as possible, but black cabs are allowed, so to allow minicabs is an extension of that logic. Not saying I agree, but I can see his side of the argument. If he is guilty of an offence by telling his drivers to use them, then that is surely a matter for the Met to prosecute.

What really worries me is that people are trying to call for a revocation of this man's licence (nb - two c's in the British version) on the grounds that he has said things that they disagree with. Well that to me sounds like the ultimate case of calling out the Thought Police.

I for one will NOT be signing this petition.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Well sorry for playing devil's advocate here

You are not. You are expressing you own view not advocating another, otherwise you would not choose to ignore the petition. Nothing wrong with that, but don't dress it up like its not your opinion.

What really worries me is that people are trying to call for a revocation of this man's licence (nb - two c's in the British version) on the grounds that he has said things that they disagree with. Well that to me sounds like the ultimate case of calling out the Thought Police.

Some times the things people "say" in a public forum...with a voice that can be heard by many can be dangerous...if not life threatening.

Abu Hamza is one example that springs to mind and I dont feel the urge to jump to his defence.

I have started to doubt the perception that A.L drivers are quite as bad as we see them (I suspect we confuse all black MPV's as theirs) but regardless if I can do something to stop a business from profiteering out of breaking the law and putting others at risk...then I shall.

and have.
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