Air bike Cassettes, any good?

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Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
I’m wanting a 9 speed 11-34t Cassette, this Air Bike one looks great value at £16.75 posted. Has anyone had any experience of this brand?


I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Don't know if it is your picture that is a bit out of focus, my eyes that are slightly tired at the end of a busy day or the cassette that is just fuzzy? Sprockets look a bit monkey metal to me, but probably no worse than anything fitted to the typical £200-300 bike so could well be worth a punt? At the price it isn't a great deal to gamble and it would have to wear out in less than 1/3rd of the time to lose out?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've come across the name. They look like a UK seller of cheap chinese cassettes in a fancy box of their own.

No idea how good they will be


Seen them around, never used them.

Might be worth a punt, at the very worst you can post about how terrible it was and let us know for the future.


Über Member
My main concern, other than the quality of the components and how quickly they wear, would be over smoothness (or otherwise) of gear changes. Quick, efficient, reliable changes is worth paying for.


So how was the cassette?


I've done about 1900 miles on my Airbike 11-34 cassette so far, still going strong, shifting well and so far feels just as good as the previous Shimano cassette.

This is what I wanted to hear. As I have a long cage rear mech I may add a 34 for a bailout gear on extreme stuff and after 100 miles then steep climbs etc. people will take the mick but pros are using bigger sprockets now.

Tom B

Not totally pertinent i suppose but i bought a bunch of Mircoshift 8 speed cassettes for £7 each.

They're a touch heavier than the Shimano Counterparts, and shift noticeably a bit more "clunkily" - time will tell on durability, but I haven't destroyed it yet (200 miles in).

I suppose my point was - theyre not the same as OEM
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