And they say romance is dead. Not in Accrington it isn't!

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Legendary Member
The young couple were strolling hand in hand through the early evening sunshine. Their hot, passionate relationship was still in the first throes of fiery abandonment. Suddenly, he was overcome with desire. He had to have her. There. Then. NOW! "Get theesen o'er that bench, love and get thee knickers off." he demanded. Unable and unwilling to resist her silver-tongued cavalier, she complied and the two joined in hungry union.

Meanwhile, three CycleChat furumers, Rigid Raider, Shaun Collier and myself were MTB-ing up through Accrington's Peel Park and onto the lovely area known as "The Coppice". Up the initial steep hill and onto the flatter, wide expanse of the moor we went. I was third in line, concentrating hard on the narrow sunken yard-wide track when I heard one of the two ahead of me snigger and I looked up. There in front of us all, in broad daylight in a very, very public area, our silver-tongued cavalier was busily thrusting in and out of his fair maiden! She was bent at the waist and he was behind her in the fashion I understand to be known as "doggie style" and they were oblivious of anyone or anything around them. In this most public of parks in the early evening, they were banging away like dogs. Now I don't know about you but discussing it later, both RR and myself agreed that if three gentlemen on bikes approached either of us whilst we were pleasuring a young lady, we would quickly lack the "accoutrement" for the afformentioned pleasuring and we should fervently hope the young lady would be overcome with a sense of shame and embarrassment. But not these two, oh no! Our approach seemed to spur him on and the fair wench was heard to shout, "Come on you bastards!" at us as we passed not five yards from their temporary love nest. It was quite literally the funniest (and I think the most disturbing) scene I have ever encountered while out on a bike. In fact, for the moment, it could be said that there were four men riding a bike, if that's not too ungallant?

As we dropped down from the tops and stopped to discuss what we'd just seen, we saw several lone men making their way up to the top where we'd just been. Were they unwary ramblers and dog walkers or is this area known for its outdoor adult entertainment? We don't know and can't say. All I will vouchsafe is that it provided us with much merriment for the rest of our ride last night. And those of you who were thinking of coming and didn't, you missed a right good bike ride and the sight of two of Accrington's finest having al fresco sex!


Did it affect your cadence, and, will you be using this route again?:biggrin:


Legendary Member
Great description Paul, you have clearly missed your true vocation as a writer of romantic novels!

A nice little evening leg-stretcher, great views, fresh air, a free sex show and a couple of sociable pints afterwards - what more could a bloke want?

OMG you went over the "dogging" area!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody hell lads didn't you know that's well ahem serviced up there??? It's been in the news for years off and on - local residents have tried to prevent cars and suchlike going up by getting a barrier put up. Sheeesh ;)


Legendary Member
I've been up there dozens of times with the BAD riders and never seen anything like that!

There is a shelter on the top, which might have a lot to do with its reputation. Come to think of it I do remmber riding past there some years ago and seeing something in a glimpse from the corner of my eye.


Legendary Member
Corvette chic said:
The shelter on the top of the coppice was demolished 18 months ago....

There is a sort of a shelter there (maybe the remnants, I was more stunned by what they were doing than the architectural significance of the building) and that's where the duo were "expressing their love".


Legendary Member
That was the base of an old cross or something. There was a sort of bus shelter on top but now I come to think of it, there isn't any more....!

Mr Pig

New Member
PaulB said:
it could be said that there were four men riding a bike

Almost spat my juice out! ;0)

Riding on the country roads we sometimes see folk at it in cars but never out in the open like that. So, you going back up tonight?


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Lol, brilliant.
Reminds me of the time many years ago, my ex-wife and I were walking through Wimbledon Common on a nice sunny day. Went through a copse to a meadow where we were faced with a blokes white hairy arse banging up and down like the clappers. I just said hello as we walked by, the woman looked up and said hello back accompanied with a little wave and then carried on without a care in the world.

PaulB said:
The young couple were strolling hand in hand through the early evening sunshine. Their hot, passionate relationship was still in the first throes of fiery abandonment. Suddenly, he was overcome with desire. He had to have her. There. Then. NOW! "Get theesen o'er that bench, love and get thee knickers off." he demanded. Unable and unwilling to resist her silver-tongued cavalier, she complied and the two joined in hungry union.

Meanwhile, three CycleChat furumers, Rigid Raider, Shaun Collier and myself were MTB-ing up through Accrington's Peel Park and onto the lovely area known as "The Coppice". Up the initial steep hill and onto the flatter, wide expanse of the moor we went. I was third in line, concentrating hard on the narrow sunken yard-wide track when I heard one of the two ahead of me snigger and I looked up. There in front of us all, in broad daylight in a very, very public area, our silver-tongued cavalier was busily thrusting in and out of his fair maiden! She was bent at the waist and he was behind her in the fashion I understand to be known as "doggie style" and they were oblivious of anyone or anything around them. In this most public of parks in the early evening, they were banging away like dogs. Now I don't know about you but discussing it later, both RR and myself agreed that if three gentlemen on bikes approached either of us whilst we were pleasuring a young lady, we would quickly lack the "accoutrement" for the afformentioned pleasuring and we should fervently hope the young lady would be overcome with a sense of shame and embarrassment. But not these two, oh no! Our approach seemed to spur him on and the fair wench was heard to shout, "Come on you bastards!" at us as we passed not five yards from their temporary love nest. It was quite literally the funniest (and I think the most disturbing) scene I have ever encountered while out on a bike. In fact, for the moment, it could be said that there were four men riding a bike, if that's not too ungallant?

As we dropped down from the tops and stopped to discuss what we'd just seen, we saw several lone men making their way up to the top where we'd just been. Were they unwary ramblers and dog walkers or is this area known for its outdoor adult entertainment? We don't know and can't say. All I will vouchsafe is that it provided us with much merriment for the rest of our ride last night. And those of you who were thinking of coming and didn't, you missed a right good bike ride and the sight of two of Accrington's finest having al fresco sex!
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