Another snoozer from me !

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Getting old but not past it
Interesting comments from all of you and I guess we are all different in the way we run our lives. Time management is an issue governed by many constraints. I, for one, would never dream of getting up at 5 or 6am to go for a ride, this is not me as I prefer pm or evenings rides. Also, I am and will remain a fair weather rider. Finally, it seems to me that for some of you, cycling is very high on your list of priorities and your main objective. For me, cycling is a past time I enjoy to keep some sort of fitness and not an obsession. I ride between 150 and 200 miles a month which keeps me happy.
Now I am off for a ride as the weather is gorgeous today :becool: so cheerio and see you later.:bicycle:


World class procrastinator
You shop in the week and on Saturdays? Blimey. Is your last name Onassis?


I usually get my riding in over the weekend, yesterday upto epping for a 10 miler the missus met me there with daughter and dog, quick 20-30mins round the forest then i rode back, today with friends riding trails on my MTB started at 8.30am, all honesty i pick either early morning or late afternoon, they seem to be the best times.


Getting old but not past it
I would like to add that I also climb a 15% hill ( only about 200 metres long though) but without using the granny gear.^_^ That is a first for me!


Part time Anorak
Back from a 55 miles ride. Thoroughly enjoyed it and it is my longest ride so far. Happy chap.

It is good for the mind and soul, you can't beat "YOU" time, I had a good early morning out as planned and even had a ride on the rolling road I serviced and cleaned this afternoon to the amusement of my wife and daughter.


In between here and there
I rely on commuting for the miles and go out for morning runs over the weekend. Commuting costs me very little in terms of time maybe an hour or so more than the car but gives my legs 30 miles a day. Its a brilliant way to travel I cannot imagine wanting to go back to the car.

I am lucky I have no pressure not to ride, not even on holidays.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
If you are like most people then you will likely spend hours a week watching TV, messing about on the internet and doing other stuff that you are only doing by default rather than making an active choice to do.

I'm not saying give up TV or whatever just that if you are more selective in how you spend your time then finding an hour spare here and there should be achievable.
i currently watch 2 programmes a week.
Its the lads polycystic renal failure and the wifes variety of illnesses linked to the side effects of chemo+ radiotherapy that make her tired, unable to absorb vitamin d, inactive thyroid, high blood pressure, 3 TIA`s etc and an 18 month old that take my time up.


Legendary Member
I get up early and have an extend commute, plus I have got our lass into a weekend pootle


Tattooed Beat Messiah
I am a lucky one.
I only work a 4 day week. I condense 5 days work into 4. (infact 4and half days as I give up half a days wages a week)
Fridays I look after my little one.
one day of the weekend is family day, the other is a cycling day.
So works quite well.
Shopping? Trampsing around a godforsaken supermarket? Nope don't do that. I leave that type of thing to Mrs Ian.
I also get up earlier and do an extended commute.


Interesting comments from all of you and I guess we are all different in the way we run our lives. Time management is an issue governed by many constraints. I, for one, would never dream of getting up at 5 or 6am to go for a ride, this is not me as I prefer pm or evenings rides. Also, I am and will remain a fair weather rider. Finally, it seems to me that for some of you, cycling is very high on your list of priorities and your main objective. For me, cycling is a past time I enjoy to keep some sort of fitness and not an obsession. I ride between 150 and 200 miles a month which keeps me happy.
Now I am off for a ride as the weather is gorgeous today :becool: so cheerio and see you later.:bicycle:

The above and the original post don't add up?

Here is the original post:

Actually it is very serious this time. How do you find the time to go cycling? This is my dilemma as I am finding it more and more difficult to find the time to go for a ride. I am not making excuses, it is true: what with work, the Mrs wanting to go shopping, having visitors and visiting ourselves and ......the weather!!:banghead:


Hip Priest

I was thinking the same thing.

If you're happy with the amount you're riding, then why start a thread bemoaning a lack of riding time?


Getting old but not past it
I was thinking the same thing.

If you're happy with the amount you're riding, then why start a thread bemoaning a lack of riding time?
I did have time today so made the most of it. :thumbsup:
A lot of the time it is different but every cloud has a silver lining.:whistle:
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