Anybody else do Trip Advisor reviews?

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Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I've done a few, mostly positive, some not so.

It's interesting to see the response, if any, that a review produces.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
I do if I have really liked the place, or really disliked it! (e.g. rude staff etc).
I do think some poor reviews are unfair when they are of things that could have been sorted out at the time if the customer had said something, but some people seem to prefer to leave in a huff then post on the internet instead of just asking for a replacement meal or whatever.


Legendary Member
Yes i do.Mostly after holidays.Got to say most of mine are positive,so readers can have the same enjoyment as me.No good missing out on a good hotel or restaurant when you only have two weeks away.Orlando got a big thumbs up from me this year.


Legendary Member
Not often but I am about to do one.
Went to the wirral for an early morning walk and planned to eat at a small pub that overlooks the Dee estuary. I realised it was "dog friendly" and when we got there (12:30ish) there were indeed 2 dogs.
Ordered our food and in the 30 minutes it took to arrive the place was heaving with dogs.......smelly & VERY noisy.
I think others should be aware.
Lovely pub....good food....but if you are not a doggy person steer clear.


Norven Mankey
Yep...apparently I'm in the top 3% of reviewers in the Manchester area or summat

I only review stuff that's really good, really bad or I can give some (hopefully) useful information. If something was "OK" and I wouldn't particularly recommend it or advise to steer clear I don't bother. I use TripAdvisor a lot to select stuff and it has been very successful so it seems only fair that I give as much as I take


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Yes but only when I think the hotel/restaurant owner won't identify me, because I'll leave an honest review, good or bad or in between and I don't want it to influence how they treat me personally. The exception I guess is when it's a stinking review and I am sure I'm never using them again. So far that's only been one bike hire place.


Here for rides.


North Shields
SophRM did one once and unfortunately we were pretty identifiable by what she'd written of our poor experience. The owners of the establishment harassed us for about a week until we finally got fed up, told them to f*ck off and that if they had an issue with anything written we'd be happy to discuss the matter with legal representation. Didn't hear a peep from them after that.
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