Anybody here read Singletrack magazine?

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Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
ain't gonna happen

Apparently not, so this will have to be another year of seeking out weatherproof trails. Yorkshire millstone grit anyone? ^_^


Burnley, Lancs
Another STW subscriber here, but I'm getting increasingly fed up with it - it's becoming a wierd mixture of middle class, middle management speak crossed with sandal-wearing beardy nonsense. Don't think I'll be renewing after this 12 months.

As for the road riding thing, no I don't think that MTB has had it's day at all - it's just that the trail conditions, especially in the popular areas, are so atrocious at present that more people are turning to tarmac to get their fix. I'm another who is fed up with spending 2 or 3 hours cleaning bikes, clothes and/or car boots for every ride. The only places which I've found which aren't as badly affected are the limestone areas of the Yorkshire Dales and the higher routes in the Lake District.
I don't know the Magazine or the forum but as someone who has only recently bought an MTB, I can agree with a lot of the comments above. Once on a trail...superb, love it, especially in the dark but I'm finding too that the combination of having to drive to get there, plus the fact that I nearly spend as long cleaning the bike afterwards is pretty full-on. I probably spend in all around 2 hours cleaning and then relubing the bike after a ride, and that's been mostly on blue-grade, weatherproof trails!

Yesterday, I went to Burrington Coombe and up into Rowberrow Warren - something I'd wanted to do for a while to see what it's all about. There's a shop there I use and the area is spoken very highly of by MTBers on forums etc. Well, so many of the bridleways and tracks were just impassable, complete quagmires and a million miles from the weather-proof feel of a purpose-built trail. However sad it sounds, I just don't think I'll bother again until we've had more than 2 to 3 weeks of dry weather which isn't going to happen. This leaves in my area - Ashton Court and Leigh Woods - and the possibility of travel further afield.

Plus, my gears are playing up and it's not any coincidence after some of the riding I did yesterday...

MTB should be much better fun than it is with the kind of climate we have to deal with and I really hope for a good summer :eek: . I regularly pass woods on road rides and think to myself how the routes look so much more passable than some of the crap I had to deal with yesterday (averaging in places 6-7 mph, watch the puddle, splat!) whilst acknowledging they would not welcome cyclists, designed as they are for walkers. But, who'd be walking there at night?


Yesterday, I went to Burrington Coombe and up into Rowberrow Warren - something I'd wanted to do for a while to see what it's all about. There's a shop there I use and the area is spoken very highly of by MTBers on forums etc. Well, so many of the bridleways and tracks were just impassable, complete quagmires and a million miles from the weather-proof feel of a purpose-built trail. However sad it sounds, I just don't think I'll bother again until we've had more than 2 to 3 weeks of dry weather which isn't going to happen. This leaves in my area - Ashton Court and Leigh Woods - and the possibility of travel further afield.

I'm not surprised - the bridleways round there are very heavily used, and don't stand up well to persistent rain . There's a pretty good stealth network around those parts, but it's not for the fainthearted. I can give you a shout the next time my club are down that way...
User482, that would be great because getting to know that area, off-road at least, would make it a much better experience if you knew where you were going and which sections are harder going than others. Nice one.


User482, that would be great because getting to know that area, off-road at least, would make it a much better experience if you knew where you were going and which sections are harder going than others. Nice one.

It might be a while - I only go there a couple of times a year. In the meantime, ask in BadAss bikes in Burrington - they could probably put you in touch with more local riders.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
I was chuckling the other night. If you could stereotype an STW regular you'd see a certain common standard of kit..... I appear to have "conformed" a bit recently, but Cubester has just sold his Ragley frame and wanted a Soul, so we've found him one. He's also ordered a Charge Spoon, a Thomson seatpost, he's decided on a bit of discreet gold detailing for the build, but most worryingly can tell the difference between freshly ground and packet Lavazza. What have I done???!!!???
It might be a while - I only go there a couple of times a year. In the meantime, ask in BadAss bikes in Burrington - they could probably put you in touch with more local riders.

Yep, know them well, thanks. Rob 'The Box' is my mechanic for all those things I still can't do...


Burnley, Lancs
I was chuckling the other night. If you could stereotype an STW regular you'd see a certain common standard of kit..... I appear to have "conformed" a bit recently, but Cubester has just sold his Ragley frame and wanted a Soul, so we've found him one. He's also ordered a Charge Spoon, a Thomson seatpost, he's decided on a bit of discreet gold detailing for the build, but most worryingly can tell the difference between freshly ground and packet Lavazza. What have I done???!!!???
Orange 5 and an Audi next...:rolleyes:


I was chuckling the other night. If you could stereotype an STW regular you'd see a certain common standard of kit..... I appear to have "conformed" a bit recently, but Cubester has just sold his Ragley frame and wanted a Soul, so we've found him one. He's also ordered a Charge Spoon, a Thomson seatpost, he's decided on a bit of discreet gold detailing for the build, but most worryingly can tell the difference between freshly ground and packet Lavazza. What have I done???!!!???
I ride a Giant and drive a Ford. But I plead guilty to the espresso machine.
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