Anybody know anything about Psychology?

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Über Member
That could be very useful. Thanks. Good old Bootnecks eh?

I knew I had the info somewhere but I didn't want to provide a definitive response until I was sure LOL :smile:

For more info research into topics on "Attention" and "Limited channel capacity" - both are quite interesting once you get into it.

Rely on Royal :smile: :smile:


I used to know someone who could have a conversation while playing the piano - I could play the piano, or talk, but not both at the same time because playing the piano required too much of my concious mind. Even more impressive to my mind was a ballet dancer I saw on TV delivering a piece to camera while performing an extremely complicated-looking dance - apparently it was somehting she had danced so many times that she could basically let her body get on with while she talked...
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