Anyone else knackered?

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Well-Known Member
I have 15 miles each way, hilly. I'm not sure I can keep it up. I don't look forward to it. I know some people do a lot more, but I started this lark (serious cycling) about 4 years ago when I was 43.

The worst part is there is a 500' hill that starts literally immediately outside work on the way home.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I have 15 miles each way, hilly. I'm not sure I can keep it up. I don't look forward to it. I know some people do a lot more, but I started this lark (serious cycling) about 4 years ago when I was 43.

The worst part is there is a 500' hill that starts literally immediately outside work on the way home.

Yes you can. You just have to keep it up, take it easy, sleep well, eat healthy and lay off (too much of) the booze.

My commute is 20 miles in the morning, taking in 2 12%er climbs, and 15 miles in the evening, taking in a mile long climb. I am a couple of years older then you and do this 5 days a week, along with a long ride (usually 100+ miles) at the weekends. I am not the fittest or the skinniest of cyclists, but if I can do it then so can you and so can others. :okay:

BUT.. if you don't look forward to it... then well.. there's not much you can do, that's an attitude/mindset thing.
Is there an alternative route without the hill? It may be a little longer but that's no great shakes if you miss the hills.


Well-Known Member
This is Sheffield. No there isn't a route without the hill. ;)

There are other routes with different hills, but it's pretty easy to climb over 1000' each way.


Yes I am pretty knackered at the moment. I work 4 days a week and started cycle commuting 2 days a week two weeks ago. I also have a 6 mile commute each way and the homeward journey seems more difficult because there is a hill to climb straight out of work (although nowhere near 12%). In mitigation I have to say that I do have heart failure and only work part time. I'm hoping it will get easier over time and that I can increase the commute to 3 or 4 times a week.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yes I am pretty knackered at the moment. I work 4 days a week and started cycle commuting 2 days a week two weeks ago. I also have a 6 mile commute each way and the homeward journey seems more difficult because there is a hill to climb straight out of work (although nowhere near 12%). In mitigation I have to say that I do have heart failure and only work part time. I'm hoping it will get easier over time and that I can increase the commute to 3 or 4 times a week.

2 weeks ago.. that's nothing in the scheme of things. Your body is still getting used to the cycle/commute. Give it time, keep it up and it will all come good.


North London
20 miles + commute, I'm very impressed. I'm 32 - 6hrs sleep on a good night and I think a pretty decent vegetarian diet, I'm 6'6'' and 15 stone and always feel like there's quite a lot of me to carry around. I don't think I've been fitter in terms of endurance - used to do a lot of weights a few years back. I guess I was trying to gauge if everyone finds it tough but sounds like my commute is fairly small compared to others.

Iron deficiency maybe? As a vegetarian you need to balance your diet by removing absorption inhibitors - excessive amounts of tea/coffee for example. I decided to go pescetarian (veg + fish) as it's healthier and I need my coffee :smile:


Über Member
That's interesting - I drink lots of tea and coffee - I'll look into that.

Thanks everyone your thoughts much appreciated.

Spike on a bike

Über Member
Sounds like I'm buggered

I drink excessive amounts of tea since the work nurse said I drank too much coffee
I work 9 hr shifts standing all the time except break times when I sit n drink tea n smoke

But I really look forward to the cycling home something about cycling in the dark appeals to me but I'm not sure what

Oh and next year I'm 50


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I find cycling not as knackering as my job , mind you im lumping metallic car bits most of the day .


Well-Known Member
I took a week off this week, just cycling to and from the station each day, which is still 10 miles total each day. Feeling better for it. Sometimes you need to pay attention to the psychology.


Über Member
Woodhall Spa
I started commuting at the start of the year, started by doing 10 miles each way at 1st, now doing the full 23 miles each way, I turned 40 last October and its taken ages but I don't really notice the distance anymore, yes my legs feel tired some days but I get on with it, one thing I do notice is that I now fall asleep earlier than I ever have done so its doing me some good.

Just keep at it and don't give in as you will only regret it.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing this commute for three years. I think I know what I can manage and when I can manage it. Do bear in mind that it's as flat as a pancake where you are; over a few miles west where I am, not so much.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
I reckon there's three key things to keeping a good regular commute going.
Good sleep, good energy levels (from food) & dedicated mindset.
Im averaging about 70 miles a day at the minute and I couldn't do that without getting some decent sleep and taking in a lot of energy. Take today's food intake so far. Brekkie at home @ 05:00am consisted of 80g's of porridge made with 300ml milk, sultanas, a banana and strawberry jam. I had a 32 mile ride in this morning then had a 2nd brekkie at work which was 4 brown toast, 4 poached eggs, beans, 2 fried bread and 2 cups of tea. I've just finished my lunch of 3 tuna sandwiches, two kitkats, a Yorkie, a whole malt loaf, 2 bags of Haribo and a half pack of jelly babies. I've got a flapjack and another Yorkie for 14:30pm ready for 15:00 ride time where I'm thinking of a 60/70 miler.
Consistency is key though, day in, day out, day in, day out, again, again, again.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
& dedicated mindset.

Consistency is key though, day in, day out, day in, day out, again, again, again.

Both these.. in spades.
If you think you are not going to enjoy your commute before you've even started, then you're on a downer. It will be hard to shake yourself out of that mindset.
And 100% about the consistency. Once you do get into the daily ritual, you then get on with it without even thinking. Like Mickey, that SuperLeeds bloke, myself and others, even rain and crappy weather doesn't stop us from commuting those extra add on miles. Some times you do think to yourself whilst cycling..."Ok, it's peeing down with rain, yet I am heading away from work to get to work - this is madness" But you get on with it.
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