Anyone else noticed the latest fashion?

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Can't quite imagine this fashion. I think I need some pictures :thumbsup:


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People of Walmart


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
Who likes short shorts?
...Aparently overwight young ladies....:banghead:

it was bad enough last year we had that epidemic of who can wear the tightest and most see through leggings. apparently this year they're doing away with the leggings and just going for "let it all hang out"

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Who likes short shorts?


...Aparently overwight young ladies....:banghead:

Oh ok, maybe not then.

it was bad enough last year we had that epidemic of who can wear the tightest and most see through leggings.

On the right people that was actually quite nice, although on some I did have to wonder why they had bothered wearing anything at all!

apparently this year they're doing away with the leggings and just going for "let it all hang out"

Well, I'll tell you, I was in a shop in Govan (of all places) last week there during the heat wave, and in front of me in the que was a girl of about 12 in a red swim suit.

Nothing wrong with that, except that she had obviously grown since the last time she'd Worn it!

There I was, looking down into my wallet for some coins when I became aware of this (not too unpleasant) skintight bum bobbing about right in front of me. Just as I saw that, she turned round to talk to her friend who was next to her and I'm not kidding, she had a cameltoe like the Marana Trench, I half expected to see James Cameron emerge from it!

So, naturally, I quickly looked up..... to see her nipples sticking out at me, doh!

Instant peado in 5 seconds flat!

I feel dirty now.

The funny thing was, she seemed completely oblivious to me being there, it was as if I was invisible.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
There's nothing quite like a bit of accidental perversion to kill a thread, is there?

For the record, It was all there, one glance and you saw it all, it could have happened to anyone, and it probably did!


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
One of my favourite past times is people watching in train stations. yes i'm that odd. but i don't frequent them often thanks to my dawes mojave.
however, during this legging craze i must have seen more camel toes then an Iranian camel dealer. and i only had to use the train for a week!

saw my first bad case of hangus-outus butt-cheekius today what a sorry state... it was pouring down with rain and about 8°C out to boot!
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