Anyone travelling from Kings Lynn to London? Or cheap courier?

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Cycling Excusiast
Unexpectedly won a fleabay bid for a set of rollers. The seller is going to check how much it weighs and the size of the parcel when he can pack it - the thing is I'm in London and the rollers are in Kings Lynn- anyone happen to be going to Kings Lynn to London? Failing that any recommendations for good and cheap couriers?

I either collect in person and head there by train if the courier is ridiculously expensive or any of you that I know based in London with access to a car or van?

Suggestions/help much appreciated!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Check out Paisley Freight.
they charge £22 for a bike, so would imagine rollers would be even cheaper.


Cycling Excusiast
Ah, cool, will check that out- think train fare is around about that (need to double check)
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