Anything bugging you today?

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Professional Jelly Baby Decapitator
Just got my bike ready for an 80mile spin.. And some complete utter &*!!?£?$ has stolen my light battery pack!!!! :cursing::boxing:


Smutmaster General
I've got a toothache.
I haven't had time to fettle or ride my bike for 2 weeks
My feckin' sister is visiting this weekend... we have nothing in common except a fondness for red wine.
I've got a toothache.
I haven't had time to fettle or ride my bike for 2 weeks
My feckin' sister is visiting this weekend... we have nothing in common except a fondness for red wine.
I often feel like that with my siblings (all younger) but I have to remind myself in 1 case there are 2 parents in common and the other 2 cases, 1 parent in common... plus there is a 3rd brother but we don't have any parents' in common.... and all 4 of them drink which is another we don't have in common... none of them except me cycle either. Sometimes I am convinced I was swapped out at birth.... Glasgow was a strange place back in the early 70's....
Does anyone have any small problems. Like work matters or social problems?

It could be little things like, the corner shop charging 80p for a can of coke when my local super market sell it for 50p.

Or the bin man won't take your bin because the lid won't close.

Maybe, you paid for a movie on sky movies and you find out the movie was rubbish.

You don't leave it on the drive any more then.


Smutmaster General
I often feel like that with my siblings (all younger) but I have to remind myself in 1 case there are 2 parents in common and the other 2 cases, 1 parent in common... plus there is a 3rd brother but we don't have any parents' in common.... and all 4 of them drink which is another we don't have in common... none of them except me cycle either. Sometimes I am convinced I was swapped out at birth.... Glasgow was a strange place back in the early 70's....
She's OK, and can be quite amusing, but we are on totally different planets with regard to pretty much any aspect of life/outlook on life you care to mention. But I have to visit her planet, if you see what I mean, in order to find something to converse about; she is incapable of visiting mine. Don't get me started on my brothers though... one is great, like a best mate, the other is a complete @rse whose massive personal problems have landed on my doorstep in recent times...ongoing palaver...
The parents shuffled off their mortals 25 and 30 yrs ago.


Legendary Member
Bugs have bugged me today. Yesterday as well. I don't know if it's because we've had a wet and warm winter but there seems to be an unusually high insect population. I had a run round Rivington yesterday and was constantly breathing in or spitting out insects from the infuriatingly small to the annoyingly large. Today though, I've had a 50-odd mile ride and got back with a scalp dotted with pin-prick bites and occasionally had to ride through clouds of the bittle lastards langou... idly hanging there in their billions! It's much more noticeable than we had last year.


Professional Jelly Baby Decapitator
So, that 80 miles got cut to a 20miles thanks to a random clicking noise... Didn't want to risk it. So instead I did a steady 14 miles and then out my foot down for the last 5.5miles.

And then some stupid women cut me off and nearly sent me flying.

Now I'm back home sweating my b******ks off. So that's bugging me know too.
Spent 2 and a half hours on a bt help line trying to sort out various broadband connection issues without a successful resolution. Also next doors dog must have barked for a solid hour this afternoon.

Big Nick

Senior Member
Yeah can't get an summer leave through at work, knocked back again today and to add insult to injury got told I have to work a late shift in the middle of my only long weekend off in August....well hacked off!
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