Apps being used to steal bikes

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@summerdays Have strava dealt with the privacy isuse of a ride going through 3 or more privacy zones not registering any of them?. I used to have more than 2 privacy zones set up but encountered a bug in the system where by if I cycled from my home to my parents and then back again, if my home and my parents home were both had privacy zones set up on them, the start and end point of my ride would be seen. Strava told me this was because I had 'basically' gone into 3 privacy zones (the first one counts twice) in a ride and the system wasn't at the time set up to handle that. The result was that I had to remove most of the privacy zones I had setup and remove the 2nd one around my area so that I only had the 1 around my home and any ride could only leave and enter a privacy zone (not leave, enter, leave and enter if that makes sense)
One of the reasons I never leave my bike unlocked for any amount of time. Even if I am just popping into a shop.
same here


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
It's most likely you are seen arriving and leaving from home. Most are opportune thefts. They target a street and break in various sheds and garages until they get stuff they can sell.


Cycling in the sun
@summerdays Have strava dealt with the privacy isuse of a ride going through 3 or more privacy zones not registering any of them?. I used to have more than 2 privacy zones set up but encountered a bug in the system where by if I cycled from my home to my parents and then back again, if my home and my parents home were both had privacy zones set up on them, the start and end point of my ride would be seen. Strava told me this was because I had 'basically' gone into 3 privacy zones (the first one counts twice) in a ride and the system wasn't at the time set up to handle that. The result was that I had to remove most of the privacy zones I had setup and remove the 2nd one around my area so that I only had the 1 around my home and any ride could only leave and enter a privacy zone (not leave, enter, leave and enter if that makes sense)
Err I don't know .... I probably would record that as separate rides, a habit that started on an old phone that used to loose the ride if there was a huge pause in the middle.


Smutmaster General
I use the privacy feature on Strava, and the rides are only shared with people I know personally, most of whom I go out riding with anyway :okay:


Last of the Summer Winos
Personally I'd just drive past houses on a Saturday night looking for a car fitted with a bike rack or roof carrier. Plenty of folk round here leave them on almost all the time.

Odds are a BMW/Audi/etc in the drive with rack will mean a fair few nice bikes in the garage......


Smutmaster General
If it goes missing you will know who to blame then!!!;)
Yes, they're a shifty bunch, and no mistake!


I don't bother with privacy zones. By the time my aging 910xt has picked up it's 5 satellites I'd be outside of it anyway. When running I warm up with a brisk walk and only start recording the activity when I get up a head of steam and start joggling. I don't know if anyone would risk breaking in to nick my trainers though.

In the article I linked to earlier the police reckoned the thefts were targeted by looking up the addresses of people who had been on club rides, and events with published results. Not by logging in to apps. Naughty buggers.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
It happened to a friend of mine who rides with Bigfoot. He along with loads of other parked their bikes outside the cafe next to the Bike store in Hayes after a ride. Someone must have just come along and walked away with his bike.

One of the reasons I never leave my bike unlocked for any amount of time. Even if I am just popping into a shop.
Yep...also at the tea stop on the summit of Ide hill. chap walked past, jumped on a bike and shot off down the hill towards Edenbridge. he abandoned the bike a soon as he saw an armada of cyclists chasing him, and ran off across the fields. not convinced it was a genuine attempt at theft or just a daft prank.
I haven't read all the thread, but I just did some detective work.

Here's a translated version of a news article.

So she's Louise Borgstrøm riding with Team Rynkeby. Hit google, takes me to the Team Rynkeby page.

Then to her facebook page, where her home city is readily available to anyone who cares to look.

Straight from there to the phone directory, which even includes a handy mapøm/55973656?search_word=louise+borgstrøm

No need to go near endomondo or strava.

Of course, William of Occam suggests someone saw her ride into here garden with her tasty bike.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Only if you are stupid enough to use your own post code! ... my point is you don't use your own post code if you are worried about it.
Don't feed Strava misinformation unless you want to risk being kicked off. From their terms "If you provide any information that is inaccurate or not current, or Strava has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is inaccurate or not current, Strava has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use"

Also keep in mind you most often approach your home from the same one or two roads, so it's not as if you would have a hundred vectors all stopping on a circumference that would allow you to easily predict a destination.
Who needs hundreds? I think three good vectors should be enough to triangulate most cases, then use the rest to verify.

Don't get sucked into the Strava quagmire... no risk.
The best advice by far!
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