Apps being used to steal bikes

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jonny jeez

Legendary Member
What exactly is the 'gain' from being on Strava?
Strava, along with my decision to move to a different type of bike, have changed my approach to riding in a big way. I used to treat it as a function of my life, commuting and nothing else. Strava gave me the ability to set goals, see how mates were performing (the biggest motivator by far).

Simple things like the generation of a heat map showing just how far my bike and I have travelled across Britain and Europe, is really enjoyable and seeing my distance increase month on month helped me to train and succesfully ride across Britain.

People can be very sniffy about strava as it suggests lycra louts crashing about, chasing segments and acting like idiots on the open road but you can, like me, see it as a hub for your mates to compare, motivate, meet and also expand their cycling social circle (flybys are brilliant for this)

Like anything,... it is...what you make of it.

Tim Hall

Summat to do with wimmins libbers, dress codes and the like. Off the top of my head.
Tick. vg. Two points to @Stephenite . Lady Harberton was asked to take her coffee in the bar rather than the lounge on account of wearing "Rational Dress". Court case ensued, which found the landlady not guilty.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Strava gave me the ability to set goals, see how mates were performing (the biggest motivator by far).
Everyone has the ability to set goals :rolleyes: and there are better apps for tracking distance, but if oneupmanship with your mates floats your boat, all power to you, but I wish the competition was regulated effectively and didn't seem to reward furious and wanton cycling so much.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
All very admirable things... but all things that don't actually require Strava...
No doubt (although I don't know of another way to get flybys without it). but it is a fantastic way to get all of these benefits in one, universally accepted place.

For me, the proof is in the pudding.
Pre-strava...I was a commuter...
Post strava, I am a lejogger, a London to Paris vet, a European tourer, and have expanded my social circle of riding friends. I was clearly not the sort of person to do all this without some assistance, otherwise I would have done already. So strava offered that assistance.

I think cyclechat has also had a similar effect in moving me along the evolutionary cycle path.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
, but if oneupmanship with your mates floats your boat, .
That's a pretty negative perspective to take. I am inspired by mates who achieve cycling goals of around 2-300 miles a week and at one point in my life, I was able to join them.

These are mates, so I am not interested (or physically capable) of getting one up on them...rather, I just want to join them and in many cases have them help achieve my own cycling across Britain or riding 150 miles.

Seeing friends that I know I am capable of riding with, head out in all weathers, pushing 100 miles and still doing a days work, motivates me to get out when I might otherwise not.

...and every time I do, Riding gets easier and more enjoyable.
Everyone has the ability to set goals :rolleyes: and there are better apps for tracking distance, but if oneupmanship with your mates floats your boat, all power to you, but I wish the competition was regulated effectively and didn't seem to reward furious and wanton cycling so much.

For me Strava is testing yourself against other people without the need to join an actual cycling club - of which I have no desire to do. Also if you are a premium member and you like analysing your training then the functions that Strava have are not that bad and are easy to use.

Don't know about the wanton and furious cycling bit, the KOM that I saw set once and all the KOM's that I've done have been in set early morning where there is next to no traffic, which incidentally is the best way to training on a weekday, sets you up nicely for the working day ahead.


Tick. vg. Two points to @Stephenite . Lady Harberton was asked to take her coffee in the bar rather than the lounge on account of wearing "Rational Dress". Court case ensued, which found the landlady not guilty.
There is probably only one member of CC that knows who the lady is I use as an avatar. Another campaigner for equal rights for the fairer sex. Does anyone apart from @Dayvo know who it is?
I do. Not many people have an oil field renamed in their honour.

I'm impressed.


An Peanut
There is probably only one member of CC that knows who the lady is I use as an avatar. Another campaigner for equal rights for the fairer sex. Does anyone apart from @Dayvo know who it is?

Gina Krog. This is her grave.


Ok - I own up - I cheated, I had no idea who she was.
This is one of the headlines on Danish news tonight.

Mobile phone ApS like Strava and Endomondo are being used by thieves to target riders and their bikes.

The news highlighted a woman who had recently ridden a charity ride from Denmark to Paris. She had posted photos of the ride on FB along with photos of her bike.

Im not sure how the thieves put all this together, but they did.

The news suggested that you dont start your recording devices at your doorstep but away from the house.
Strava has an exclusion zone you can activate for a certain distance around where you live (can't remember the exact amount offhand).

Tim Hall

Going more off topic, but this the The Cafe so there, I see the oilfield Reg refers to was renamed on 8th of March, which is my birthday, but more importantly, International Women's Day. I first became aware of IWD when my work took me to Stavanger. Is it a bigger thing in Norway than it is in the UK?
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