Are all women permanently frozen?

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Legendary Member
My wife feels the cold more than i do,she even feels it in summer on a night,but will still go out in just a blouse in all weathers with the girls doing the same:wacko:
Arch said:
I'll start a thread to explain.... It's not connected to cold, no. I just knew you were musical....
Isn't that a euphemism?

Akshually, belay that statement, it IS a euphemism!


Flim Flormally
theclaud said:
Can you stick around and translate all further Yenrod posts, please? You might start with his signature...

Stockhausen's favourite William Blake quote:

He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy
He who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sunrise.

Mrs H feels the cold more than I do, has her food served hotter and, more importantly, turns the shower up so hot I risk a scalding if I'm not wide awake in the morning.
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