Are there any bicycle helmets that won't make me look stupid?

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New Member
northern ireland
i would go for a giro helmet as you forget there on your head and also very stylish. i am currently using a giro prolight and its by far the best helmet ever came across and used for training and racing. pure easy to setup and get a proper snug fit, very easy to maintain and clean.


New Member
Point of observation. Not every head is Giro lid-shaped. Mine isn't. Mine is Met lid-shaped. I can't get a Giro lid to be comfortable on my bonce, but have no problem with a Met lid. It's all down to fit - try before you buy.


Cycling in the sun
Cunobelin said:
I suggest a NoginSox cover...


I'm trying to decide what the effect of wearing one of those would have on a motorist... either scare them or get them wanting to take a closer look:biggrin:.


I'm seriously tempted to get the nailed-head one ... they look cool.

On the subject of lids, I trooped around several LBS's to try the various different makes and models on and settled on three in the end. Budget narrowed it down to two, and comfort decided the rest.

Incidentally, the one I'd decided on before I set out was dropped in the first 10 mins. as it was completely the wrong feel / fit. I thought it looked cool, but it just didn't work.

I did end up spending more than I'd set out to though (three figures), but it was worth it as I just couldn't feel the helmet when I was wearing it. Really light, really comfortable.

It's still going strong 4 years down the line, and still feels as comfy.

Shaun :biggrin:


Admin said:
I'm seriously tempted to get the nailed-head one ... they look cool.

On the subject of lids, I trooped around several LBS's to try the various different makes and models on and settled on three in the end. Budget narrowed it down to two, and comfort decided the rest.

Incidentally, the one I'd decided on before I set out was dropped in the first 10 mins. as it was completely the wrong feel / fit. I thought it looked cool, but it just didn't work.

I did end up spending more than I'd set out to though (three figures), but it was worth it as I just couldn't feel the helmet when I was wearing it. Really light, really comfortable.

It's still going strong 4 years down the line, and still feels as comfy.
Shaun :biggrin:

Aren't you meant to replace them every two-three years? This is what I will be telling Mrs KH when I get a new one. :biggrin:


I decided to get a lid for when I'm on the once-weekly commute into London. The problem was my super-large bonce.... Of all the helmets I found that fitted, most gave me the mushroom head too. The one that didn't - and looked half decent - was the Bell Alchera so that might be worth investigating.


New Member
I have a Giro rift and although is a cracking helmet and feels like I'm not wearing it I still look like toadstool.
No - but while you are on the bike very few people will notice - taking it off when at your desk in the office will mitigate a little against you looking stupid
I bought a Bell Triton as it is one of the very few lids designed with big bonces in mind (I am a size 62) and doesn't look daft when on. As said before, it's all down to fit and feel at the end of the day.
S'cuse me fer askin, but 56 isn't that big, d'you have a particularly high crown to your head?


Cunobelin said:
But beware if you eat Custard Creams at your desk... it may be worth putting your helmet back on!

blimey, change the record ;)

I just took delivery of a Giro Atmos, good fit and looks less mushroomy than the Monza it replaces.

(that Monza got between me and the road and stopped a nasty broken nose/knock to the forehead as I sailed over the bars - not life threatening but was glad it deflected the blow all the same)
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