Are you clean shaven, beard or stubble ?

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I have a Circle, extended goatee, or Van Dyke beard depending on how you define such things and if I was concentrating while shaving that morning.

I recently heard this about a Van Dyke, which I think is rather marvellous:

I want to make a T-shirt with this.

I shave every couple of days with a "Safety Razor" which works far, far better than more modern alternatives, a fact known to shaving companies when they marketed their new 'disposable razors', but the disposables have higher profit margins.

They’ll sell well! 🤣


Form an orderly queue ladies.

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When you're a bassist in a rock band you tend to do daft things like this.

Recently my dear friend Hulk Hogan has started copying my style.

It’s Lemmy 🤣


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
I am sure it is easy but I have never used one I find the concept a bit scary!!!

When I started shaving it was with an electric one - which I stuck to for many years - so my Dad never showed me how to use a proper razor

Once you learn how to use them they're perfectly safe. You'll have a few nicks and cuts the first few times but after that it'll be the best feeling shave you've had.
The basic rule is, don't put any pressure on the handle. Use the blades natural weight against your skin and don't force it. Use decent blades too. The cheap ones are crap.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Normally full beard but the last few weeks ive been rocking a horseshoe moustache.

Ooh eck!!:unsure:



Legendary Member
Proper shaving with a DE razor and some nice saving soap and aftershave. Mostly because it's a bit of self care and I enjoy the ritual. Plus I tend to get chapped lips and it's much more comfortable without stubble.

I've previously had many types of facial hair, from full beard to handlebar tache to ridiculous burns. It's a laugh, innit.

Same here, apart from the chapped lips, but I did have a handlebar and triangle on the chin until about six months ago.


Legendary Member
The other thing I note nowadays if I don't shave is that stubble has a lot of grey in it. If I did grow a beard, I'd probably end up looking like Uncle Albert from Only Fools And Horses.
Not sure I would look cool with a beard
what with the "head of less hair than average" and all that

On another note
those who wet shave - what lubricant do you use (stop sniggering at the back - you know what I mean!!!)
I sometimes just use a bar of soap but normally use shave gel
I find that one can of gel last for months if I use the absolute minimum every time
(unlike the adverts where they seem to use half a can to shave one hair!!!)
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