I cycle 10 times more than I drive in central London, but I have to on occassion. Earlier this year, at night (dark + raining), I was driving back through Old Street and had to turn left - it was a wide lane but no cycle-lane. I know from pulling away from the lights 100m or so earlier, there were 20+ cyclists heading the same way.
As I looked in the left wing-mirror, it was quite hard to see. Cyclists with front lights were ok, but I couldn't see those without. I indictaed and slowed but even as doing so, bikes were undertaking me. As the turning was imminent and I was an crawling pace, still another cyclist undertook me. It was worrying as no lights meant couldn't not see him.
What should I do at this point? I didn't want to stop as I felt this would have been too erratic/unpredictable and at some point I would have had to start moving without warnign which would have been more dangerous. I ended up trying hard to see in wing mirror, and going for it but still had cyclists swerving around me on the right side who appeared to have only changed diretion at the last moment.
As I cyclcist, I always have front/rear lights when even slightly dark, and watch out for indicating cars and poistion accordingly. Being left-hooked is always a worry, but this not nice being in the position of a car-driver.
As I looked in the left wing-mirror, it was quite hard to see. Cyclists with front lights were ok, but I couldn't see those without. I indictaed and slowed but even as doing so, bikes were undertaking me. As the turning was imminent and I was an crawling pace, still another cyclist undertook me. It was worrying as no lights meant couldn't not see him.
What should I do at this point? I didn't want to stop as I felt this would have been too erratic/unpredictable and at some point I would have had to start moving without warnign which would have been more dangerous. I ended up trying hard to see in wing mirror, and going for it but still had cyclists swerving around me on the right side who appeared to have only changed diretion at the last moment.
As I cyclcist, I always have front/rear lights when even slightly dark, and watch out for indicating cars and poistion accordingly. Being left-hooked is always a worry, but this not nice being in the position of a car-driver.