Bats ( winged creatures, not cricket ones.) v cyclists.

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Please dont laugh this is a genuine question. I am seriously thinking about commuting to and from my work more. The times would vary between 10 pm 12 midnight / 4am 6am / 8pm 10pm. My route would cover a lot of country roads on which through the summer at dusk i have seen a number of bats flying around. My concern is that they would be attracted to the lights of my bike and headlight. Has anyone had any experience of this ? If so is there anything you can do to deter them ?......thanks in advance....Mike.


Coventry, uk
Wear cloves of garlic around your neck

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Dont bother with anything. Bats won't go near you, so you'll be quite safe. We used to get pipistrelle bats coming down the chimmey and flying around the bedroom at night. They never hit us.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Bats are not attracted to lights. As a matter of fact, the use of lights is recommended as a way to repel them. Illuminating an attic infested with bats will keep them from staying....bat's actually use street lights as they attract their food source, moths, so unless you have a lot of moths flopping about in front of your lights, you're perfectly safe .. well unless one bat lands and turns into a caped figure, then it was nice knowing you :evil:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
From what I remember of bats around street lights, they mostly avoid the light itself but feed off the attracted insects.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I got hit in the chest once by a bat. Couldn't quite beleive it, but my son riding behind me saw it as well. It was on a narrow track with trees and fences running along each side.


Fleet, Hants
A bat flew in to me once while out on a night ride, I had always been a bit worried about them flying in to me. I thought it was quite funny once it finally happened and now it doesn't bother me going through the places where they hang out, it was just a glancing blow off the helmet.
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