Been busy,...

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Not really. Can't wait to go home!


Über Member
Sweet FA!!

I have been trying to turn a new leaf over at work and keep myself busy instead of wasting spending all my time on here, but I have given up now, there is truly nothing for me to do.


Started young, and still going.
Busy at work this morning, 12 trains to marshall and prepare for tonight's engineering work. Got progressively wetter as the day went on. Before we could start we had 6 trains to dispose of, (get the wagons to the unloading bays and the locos to the fueling point)


Legendary Member
Yep, been busy today and for the last 3 weeks, sending the project out tomorrow so have taken 3 days off next week. Wahoo!!! :tongue:
Yes. Did the last day of a three day workshop in Bielefeld Germany. Lots of German media coverage and very productive! Currently sitting in Hannover airport waiting for a flight home. German keyboards are all wrong! the Y is where the Z should be, and they keep hiding the apostrophe. There's also lots of these äääöööö Actually I like these ones the best: ööö


Work this morning, then shopping for new business clothes for the future Mrs because she has just got a big promotion. (Now she is going to easn more than me, which makes me a kept man - fantastic).
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