BHF - Norwich 100/50/25

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Banned member
South West
Well this year have decided that Iam going to enter and do the 50 instead of just watching! So pleased its on a Sunday this year just need to get out there and get riding more.
assuming you are in good health, there is still plenty of time to get some training in for the 100


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine said try doing the 100 Iam in good health burn think I'd need an electric bike lol maybe next year.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
This was the 2013 route so I'm told


The 5 of us have booked the Premier Inn for the Sunday night after the ride (only about £30)
It could get messy :hugs:
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Doesn't time fly. Only four weeks to go now.

I have been diagnosed with gallstones which has hindered training a little, but I've managed several 15 mile runs
and each one seems a little easier to do than the previous. ( Gall bladder removal op due in July )

The sponsorship side of things is coming on well and is up to £160 so far, so that spurs me on.

My son is also doing the 25 miles to keep an eye on me, but as he's a lot fitter than I am he'll be on his classic fold up.
He say's I should pack a tow rope as he could be the one that needs a helping hand come the latter stages.

Anyone else doing the 25 mile route ?

Hoping for dry weather,
Paul G

Haven't been there, not done that, but I have bought the tee shirt.

Stephen brown

Well-Known Member
Ooh, I had the op in 2011, greatest thing ever, I can now eat cheese again without the fear of pain so bad I wanted to kill myself....

Looking forward to the ride, can't train this weekend as I'm away but have a 75miles ride next Sunday with a couple of other lads who are a bit quicker than me so hoping that will pull me along a bit
Ooh, I had the op in 2011, greatest thing ever, I can now eat cheese again without the fear of pain so bad I wanted to kill myself....

Looking forward to the ride, can't train this weekend as I'm away but have a 75miles ride next Sunday with a couple of other lads who are a bit quicker than me so hoping that will pull me along a bit

That's good to know.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
running out of battery power at the mo... Crackin day out. 100 miles in 6 hrs 42 mins
(edited now iI have power in my phone!)
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Well done PeteXXX .
I can't even contemplate what effort that must take. I take my hat off to you.

My thanks goes out to the organisers, the marshals & helpers, my sponsors:- friends / people I do work for / people down the pub,
and my son (on his fold up vintage Bickerton) for keeping an eye on me.
Thanks also to all those fellow cyclists who said "Good morning" as they passed me, and an awful lot did, as I wouldn't have
made the distance without them.

Paul G

Stephen brown

Well-Known Member
6 hours 23min, think 6 hours was do able but suffered bad knee pain from 40 miles on wards, i defiantly held up my riding partners, but weather was cracking and some spectacular views on route

Cant walk today lol


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Well done PeteXXX .
I can't even contemplate what effort that must take. I take my hat off to you.

My thanks goes out to the organisers, the marshals & helpers, my sponsors:- friends / people I do work for / people down the pub,
and my son (on his fold up vintage Bickerton) for keeping an eye on me.
Thanks also to all those fellow cyclists who said "Good morning" as they passed me, and an awful lot did, as I wouldn't have
made the distance without them.

Paul G
Yes,it was a really well organised, friendly ride. I've only recently got home as we stayed overnight in Norwich and had a 'few' beers and ciders in the evening....
Already looking forward to next years event :thumbsup:


Banned member
South West
I managed the 100 in 5:20
The ride was as well organised as ever, but there were definitely more idiot cyclists on the road causing plenty of near-miss accidents by riding all over the road and on the wrong side often! Good day out though.
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